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After reading many posts this morning including

some of my own I want to say how lucky I am to have

such kinds of problems and to have a yoga practice at

all. Last night while I was out at a meeting for two

or three hours my apartment was robbed and I lost

mostly all of my valuable items - family heirlooms,

valuable jewelry, cd player, cameras, and my imac computer

which I use to communicate with all of you, passports,

birth certificate, important papers - titles, deeds, my

parents will etc. I cannot imagine, nor do I want to

imagine a life filled with the kinds of problems that

would lead a person to break down window bars,

violently force their way into someone's home, plunder and

pillage through drawers, closets, desk, and take things

that have deep personal significance and leave the

place trashed just to get a few hundred dollars on the

street. These are real problems and I only hope that

whoever did this gets caught and can make this right

someday. I am deeply saddened by this loss but I am

grateful that my cats were unharmed (except for looking

like the chimmney sweeps in Mary Poppins - they must

have hid in the fireplace behind the logs -)and I am

unharmed physically. The stuff can be replaced for the

most part. I am writing this because it is easy to

forget how good my problems are. I have many friends and

a good life and a lot less stuff now to worry

about. Don't get me wrong, I am furious and outraged by

this event. I don't know what the moral to this story

is yet. I had a strong impulse to write this message

when I realized that last night before I went out and

got robbed, my biggest problem was whether I should

go fully raw-foodist now or ease into it more slowly

as some suggest; which raw food cookbook I should

buy; whether I should do the primary or second series

the next morning and when would I be able to grab my

heels in kapotasana and what a happy day that will be;

I was thinking that I would like to learn more

sanskrit puja's and when will my new practice rug

arrive... What a completely lovely world I live in compared

to the one where you have to break into people's

houses and steal all of their beautiful things with out

concern for how much they will be hurt. That's


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