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Hemp seeds

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Please, please tell us where one can get these.

And while you're at it, why, what benefit do hemp

seeds have? I went to my friendly neighborhood health

food supermarket conglomerate today and could not find

them there. Where do you find them, oh wise

Chamoya?<br>Thanks again, your highly appreciative B

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Madame Banda<br><br>How are your

locks?<br><br>SEEDS:<br>They're just in my local wholefood store. (But if you

need a mail distributor i could probably track that

down for you.)<br><br>Benefits- i just remember the

underlying point and that is that it's good. It was a thick

book -if i had to memorise the reasons i would have

had to surrender the brainspace where my chatclub

acronym is stored. But go check out the hemp storie. Wear

the organic hemp clothes. <br>IN fact, try on even

some organic cotton clothing- having it on feels like

being loved!<br><br>chamoya

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Chamoya:<br><br>Thank you for your hempformation.

I'll find 'em on the Web, or cross the river to the

People's Republic of Cambridge where the Harvest Food Coop

probably stocks them.<br><br>Thanks, too, for the reports

on the workshops. Keep 'em coming for those of us

who need to live vicariously.<br><br>B

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