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Recent posts make me want to cry

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It just goes to show you how few people are

really ready to receive the gift of Ashtanga

Yoga.<br><br>I am saddened, hurt, disgusted but most of all

disappointed on the turn of discussion to:<br><br>--bizarre

claims of molestation and groping<br>--extending this to

disrespectful remarks about Guruji's angelic

grandson.<br>--statements that people are disappointed because they did not

get their money's worth of postures

(greed)<br>--gossipping about the tragedy that befell Guruji's

son.<br><br><br>What sort of disrespect is next? Conjecture about

whether Ama (Guruji's blessed late wife) stole a mango

from the open market?<br><br>It saddens me that

Ashtanga has been over-taught and shared with so many that

are not worthy. This, I am afraid is the sorry

result.<br><br>At least I know that most of the naysayers will be

onto their next fad in a year or two. Tai bo, kick

boxing, pilates, or something new; and those that have

been blessed to study with Guruji with an open heart

will continue in their quiet practice.<br><br>Indeed,

a book we all read in highschool best describes the

degeneration of our culture and our little chat board: William

Golding's Lord of the Flies.<br><br>With a heavy heart and

unable to employ any of my characteristic sarcasm or wit

I am <br><br>Senor Pinche Wey <br><br>In all

seriousness, I believe that such posts could only be the work

of a villain like Thom Bender Birch.

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