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To the Yoga Tourist

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Senor Pinche Wey, you are right, the quality of

this discussion has gone down the drain. I have read

some of the absolute drivel that has been posted in

the last 24 hours and it's similar to that absolute

crap that I would sometimes hear from the many yoga

tourists that I have seen come and go in Mysore. I dare

not proceed with the rest of the posts because I am

concerned that it may incite me to write something much

more critical than this. <br><br>A yoga tourist is one

who goes to a place to practice yoga, ironically, not

so much to practice and learn, but rather to gape,

compare and gossip. Are you a yoga tourist? Why are you

all even in Carlsbad? Are you there just so you can

say you were there? What the hell are you all doing

looking around, comparing and contrasting? Just bloody

practice for christ sakes! Ashtanga yoga is NOT a

performance sport. Unless of course all of you are so

pathetically air-headed that you are unable to channel your

focus on either your breathing, bandhas or drishti Do

your practice and all is coming! That simply implies

that YOUR practice is coming and not someone else's.

What good is it to gossip, speculate and gape? Where

does that bring you? Why do you feel such a need to

report such drivel to the rest of the world? What, with

your obviously limited experience, do you understand

of Guruji, Sharath, their family or the way they

teach? I'm astounded by how you can speculate and judge

from your self-centered, achievement-oriented,

anal-retentive, American perspective which believes that the rest

of the world revolves around your imperialistic,

materialistic, corruptive, decadent, arrogant, myopic culture

that you so clearly personify. Try marooning yourself

on a deserted island. It will do wonders for your

yoga practice. Perhaps then your mind and mouth will

shut up and focus on what is necessary rather than

pursuing that which is frivolous and inconsequential.

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quite a mouthful there, a.<br><br>Even if some of

it was directed at me, i must applaud you. Stick

around, it looks like you need this venue for an outlet.

You and senor can compete for the most adjectives.

You are quite the entertainer, you. (even if

unintentionally so)<br><br>For goodnesssakes get an easier

pseudonymn!<br><br>oh, and welcome.

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say now, that's hitting kind of low--calling me

an american. perhaps you've already heard from the

message board police for such intolerable

insulting language. actually, my dream would be to have the

time to just be on a desert island with no worries,

but i can't. if my drivel offends, you have my honest

apologies. my suggestion would be to just click on by

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aeschs<br><br>Bravo! Cultivate equanimity in your practice..release yourself

from all attachments AND adversions (i.e. gawking and whining). THIS is the

fruit of the practice.<br><br>Yeshe

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