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You seem to have a lot of anger although I do not

know you, I will say a prayer for you and tell you, in

all sincerity, that I feel only love for you.

<br><br>I do feel a bit like Zarathustra, if you haven't

read Neitshce's masterpiece, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra",

I suggest that you do. <br><br>Like Z, I come down,

sometimes, from the mountains to share my wisdom with the

people in the village. Only a few understand my words,

mostly I just enrage an angry mob.<br><br>But that is

alright for I know in my heart that I speak the

truth.<br><br>As for your relationship with Guruji, not all are

capable of seeing what it is that he offers. <br><br>As

for your ability to form logical persuasive

arguments, may I suggest a freshman text in rhetoric (most

offered by the University of Chicago are best). Your

implied syllogism << To slam<br> anyone who calls

themselves ashtanga yoga practitioners is to call all<br>

yoga practitioners the same - therefore, sadly you

yourself, Pinch.>><br><br>is faulty on many levels.

First, gramatically, anyone does not agree with

themselves; you should say "To slam anyone...himself" and

then an ashtanga practioner.."<br><br>Then, on a

logical level you need to demonstrate why slamming anyone

who calls him/her(--as in the criminal beryl

bender)self a yoga practioner it to call all YPs the same? If

I call you a moron, am I calling all beginners in

the practice a moron? I think not. Am I necessarily

then part of that same set? I don't think so

either.<br><br>AS for your last statement regarding, Guruji, it is

little bit too disrespectful for me to eve respond to.

Please address me as Senor Pinchey Wey or Senor Pinch,

if you must.<br><br>I sense a bitterness in your

voice, which is understandable given the limited

education implied by your writing style. I can only hope

that this condition has not resulted in a your being

forced to accept a menial wage, a poor standard of

living and a frustrating life.<br><br>I hope you have

been able to work around this shortcoming and find

happiness and satisfaction in other ways. Remember, it is

not everybody's Karma to have a prosperity in this

life time, to have and education, or even to be able

to understand when one is in the presence of a great

man like Guruji, or to a lesser extent, El Senor.

That is why in the old country, Ashtanga was taught

only to Brahmins. You, it seems have been born into

the Western caste of the toilet cleaners. But

remember, there is pride in all work, even doing whatever

it is that you do.<br><br>Again, peace and love to

you, brother. I assume you are having a rough

day.<br><br>El Senor Pinche Wey

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Dear Pinch,<br><br>Your ego continues to amaze

me. I have read Nietzsche extensively and am familiar

with his work. Your reference to my limited education

amuses me. I must urge you to look into a mirror.

<br><br>1. Your laughable reference to my need for a

rhetoric course actually speaks directly to the way you

communicate - extremely narrow rhetoric, and I use the word

in this in a negative context. You use ashtanga

rhetoric as you say to inflame the masses. <br>- your

spelling is atrocious; check out "Neitshce's" in your

reply. <br>- it is have AN education not AND

education<br>- check out the phrase "eve to respond to". I

assume you mean to say "a bit too disrepectful for me to

even respond". Your use of "to" is redundant.<br>- the

words Beryl and Bender are both proper nouns, hence

they must be capitalized.<br>Just how literate are

you, Pinch?<br>2. To compare yourself with Zarathustra

is beyond egotistical. Are you having a psychotic

break, Pinch?<br>3. You are a coward. You hide behind a

cloak of secrecy to attack indiscriminately. I

challenge you to reveal who you really are, and I will do

the same.<br>4. You are a hypocrite. You tell me you

love me and then take great pains to TRY

(unsuccessfully) to insult me with you false aristocratic

accusations. <br>Your reference to a toilet is very

interesting in a Freudian sense. Hmmmm.<br>5. I will address

you in any way I please, just as you do to anyone you

please. You have earned no reason for anyone to offer you

courtesy or respect.<br>I am not your brother. I'm not

sure what primordial ooze from which you come, but I

am most definitely not your brother.<br>I am having

a wonderful day. <br>All the best :) to you, Pinch.

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