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help with upward dog

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To make sure you don't hurt your lower back, you

need to work on MAJOR uddiyana bandha. Big time belly

lock. Maintain it into down dog and all poses, in fact,

get used to it as much as possible, even off the mat.

Take it from one who learned the hard way.<br>B

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I, too, had lower back problems until I learned

to really start using my arms and shoulders in

up-dog. At first my arms were soft and lazy and so I

would sink down into my lower back. Try to keep your

upper body strong -- as well as uddihana bandha, yes,

yes, yes -- and I hope you'll feel an

improvement.<br><br>Hamza el Din's "Eclipse" CD is fantastic!

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Legs (quads) and gluts should be really activated

as well in UMS, otherwise the lower back is

vulnerable.<br><br>Wow, lots of votes for musicians I've never even heard

of, being that i'm so out of it contemporary

music-wise... but I do think that David Darling's "Eight String

Religion" is quite good.

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so, you got the bandhas, you got the arms, you

got the legs, but dont forget the hands and feet.

whole body one mind. broaden the balls of the feet from

the big to litle toe and try to ground the little

toenail, while lengthening from the ball of the big toe to

the inner ankle inner heel, keeping the line of the

foot arch an extension of the line of the shin bone

and rotating the shinbone fronts towards each

other...broaden the heel of the hand and finger bases grounding

especially the indexfingerbase as you rotate the biceps

outwards sucking the tricpes in broadening and opening the

chest and pulling the focus up from the lumbar to

thoracic....its a tough one....watch john scott if you want to

see whats possible....

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