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Surya, I like your spunk

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We are all brothers, like it or not.<br><br>Good

catches on the typos. Unfortuantely, due to the heavy

volume of request from people to share my wisdom with

them, I forgo proofing my messages in favor or reaching

the widest possible audience.<br><br>Try to avoid

using so many cliches like "what primordial ooze from

which you<br> come" and your invective will be more

effective.<br><br>As for your fixation with not ending sentences with

prepositions, that rule of grammar taught in elementary school,

is considered archaic as you can read in Strunk and

White's Element's of Style as well as artilces by William

Safire in his NYT column, On Language.<br><br>As for my

anonymity and cowardice, why don't you click on my profile.

My name, photo and residence are there for anyone to

see.<br><br>Until you learn to addres me properly as Senor Pinche

Wey, this will be our last correspondence.<br>

<br>Your reference to Freud is sophomoric; your claim to

extensive reading of Nietzsche is probably like your

extensive study of Ashtanga: superficial and

misinterpreted. Both great philosophies/practices are out of

reach of your inferior intellect.<br><br>El Senor

Pinche Wey

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Dear Pinch,<br>I don't care if we correspond. You

make many assumptions with so little information. Many

"probablies" in your last reply without any proof, no? Quite

typical of all your correspondences. <br><br>I won't

respond to your infantile attempt to prove your intellect

since you have such a high opinion of yourself

already.<br><br>Your defence about your flawed writing style is

typical. When in doubt call them typos. It works every

time.<br><br>I don't need your condescending backhanded

compliment that I have spunk. Your last message continues to

show your illiteracy. Try a little proofreading and

quit whining about how busy you are. References to

books on style do not work. Clearly you are full of the

manure you continue to try to spread to the public.

<br><br>YOUR reference to Freud typifies the North American

image of his ideas and vision. I suggest you really

read what you claim to have studied. <br><br>And get

over yourself, Pinch. <br><br>You obviously live in a

rather small world. Consider expanding it a

bit.<br><br>And finally I find it interesting that you are so

open to discarding the archaic in the language yet you

are so reactionary about everything else - especially


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