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Not giving up hinga for anything

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Somewhere, there's a reference to Guruji

prescribing a special diet to one of his students, curing the

student of some major ailment...i'll try to find

it.<br><br>--<br>From Hatha Yoga Pradipika<br> Foods injurious to a

Yogi<br><br>"Bitter, sour, saltish, hot, green vegetables, fermented,

oily, mixed with til seed, rape seed, intoxicating

liquors, fish, meat, curds, chhaasa pulses, plums,

oil-cake, asafoetida (hinga), garlic, onion, etc., should

not be eaten."<br><br>Also:<br> "Food heated again,

dry, having too much salt, sour, minor grains and

vegetables that cause a burning sensation should not be

eaten."<br><br>(Many admonitions against eating too much are found

throughout this chapter: one verse says "sparing food is

chief among the yamas.")<br><br>But:<br><br>"Wheat,

rice, barley, shastik (a kind of rice), good corns,

milk, ghee, sugar, butter, sugarcandy, honey, dried

ginger, Parwal, the 5 vegetables, moong, pure water,

these are very beneficial to those who practice

yoga."<br><br>There's some minor disagreements between this scripture

and the recommendations found in the Gheranda Samhita

and the Siva Samhita on the diet, though sattvic,

moderate quantity is the general idea all agree on.

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"Wheat, rice, barley, shastik (a kind of rice),

good corns, milk, ghee, sugar, butter, sugarcandy,

honey, dried ginger, Parwal, the 5 vegetables, moong,

pure water, these are very beneficial to those who

practice yoga."<br><br>I would like to know what the five

beneficial vegetables are. Also, what`s Parwal?<br><br>:)


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Forget it Angel . . . this is

Indiatown.<br><br>Seriously, i was just copying the Pradipika translation as

it is . . . don't know anything about Parwal or the

5. But maybe someone else does.<br><br>The other

yoga scriptures (not Patanjali's) give a greater list

of recommended vegetables, most of which I imagine

are native to the subcontinent as I"ve never heard of

them.<br><br>One other dietary caution in the Pradipika:

fruitarianism isn't recommended. <br><br>Sure would be

interesting for some historian to research the hatha yoga

tradition of India. Would make an amazing book . . . for

example, the reputed hatha yoga ashrams where children are

trained in yoga and pranayama from an early age. No salt

and oil is permitted in their diet...and they can do

sun salutation till the sun goes down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is hysterical - you've no idea how funny - I

wish I'd had this list on my holiday at Yoga Plus in

Crete. I cannot tell you how many food fascists there

were there... or how often the following was

overheard:<br><br>"I'm allergic to wheat"<br>"I have a gluten

intolerance"<br>"I just don't think it's very clever having dairy in

the evening"<br>"I just dont think it's very clever

having sugar in coffee"<br>"do you realise how bad that

Metaxa (brandY) will be for your yoga practice

tomorrow"?<br>"I just don't think it's very clever eating fruit

with other foods"<br>"It's tasteless because its good

for you. Putting honey in it to make it taste good is

totally the wrong idea"<br><br>Much mirth tho when the so

called wheat free peeps cracked and were caught eating

cake, or lasagne or DRINKING BEER!!!

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> Much mirth tho when the so called wheat

free<br>> peeps cracked and were caught eating cake, or

<br>> lasagne or DRINKING BEER!!! <br><br>Oh, you mean

like when ESPW ("wheat is for crims") revealed himself

as a closet chapati connoisseur in message 2943?

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