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dear mr lice<br><br>the senor is right. (But i

think that is an accident since he doesn't really know

what he's talking about - all theory, you know.)<br>He

does know how to make lists though, primarily from his

experience as a 9 yr old girl (hopefully a previous

incarnation).<br><br>I'm sure you're by now sorry you asked - anyway at

the rate the scmucks are encouraging you to leave

your wife since THEY have (sorry schmucks), we won't

have too many families left. But here is a bit of

info. (take a seat on chamoya's psych couch)<br><br>I'm

assuming that this is your second round since you have a

child from a prior union. You'll get divorced, suddenly

you won't be able to live without sex. All those

halter tops at the yoga class. And next thing you know

you're wining on a chat club for support to leave that

wife. Wherever you go there you are.<br><br>Different

wife, different set of problems, same misery. Who is

the common denominator? Mr Lice.<br><br>The universe

wants you to overcome this emotional unavailability &

inability to be intimate (which invariably manifests itself

physically). - your particular line of defense when life gets

a little too real . <br><br>remember this mantra

"you don't like your first wife, you don't like your

second wife you're not gonna like your third wife"

(Shh....Because it is not the wife.)<br><br>Now i do apologize in

advance if you are a prior widower but it doesn't change

the gist.<br><br>But the most important

mantra:<br>When you give love you get love (oh my god and

happiness).<br><br>Generally i'm not sure about these affirmations but here is

one for you:<br><br>"I am happy and safe and love

abundantly." Try it for a week or two.<br><br>chamoya

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<<remember this mantra "you don't like your

first wife, you don't like your<br> second wife you're

not gonna like your third wife" (Shh....Because it

is<br> not the wife.>><br>chamoya,<br>tsk, tsk.

such lack of attention to detail is not like you. my

interpretation of the relationship was a little different.

<br>note: << and look for peace and quietness while

living<br> with this big family (me and my child, spouse and

HIS three children).>> (capitalization is

mine)<br>not that the gender of the spouse would change the

intent of the message you had.

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Hey, clubbies--it's a woman who wrote the

original post. The messages you send may still be the

same, but something about all the references to 20

year- old hotties and halter tops made me want to

clarify on behalf of simlaus.<br><br>As the mother of a

toddler living in the midst of chaos (I'm sure it's

multiplied infinitely with more children around) in a small

home, I know that it can be very challenging to be

happy with your life as is. It seems so much easier for

the ashtanginis who are single and unattached, not

"burdened" with the responsibilities of husband and home and

children and work and practice. They have, literally, more

room to breathe. You need to honor that feeling of

needing space and peace. I often still feel that.

However, I also know that my single friends are all

looking for what I have--a loving partner and a child

whom I adore (almost always!). No matter what your

situation, the grass is always greener.<br><br>I think you

do need to find a separate space to practice. Find

it, use it, respect yourself and your needs around

having time to yourself. I think you will find if you

carve out a place for yourself, you will more willingly

share the rest of your time with your family. About the

desire for your husband--may I submit that you two are

probably not carving out time to be just the two of you?

My relationship with my spouse takes lots of work,

but we have committed to one night each week that we

have a date. We've hired a sitter, rain or shine, we

spend that time together. That time allows for

expansiveness, room to breathe, and that eventually leads to

more desire. <br><br>If your marriage has been

troubled for a while, and continues that way, and you are

really unhappy, please go see a counselor with your

husband. So many people split up these days, and I think

chamoya's right--they think the answer lies with another

partner, or being alone, but usually it's right there with

them, carried along into each affair. Don't do anything

drastic without counseling first.<br><br>I suggest highly

reading Stephen Cope's book, "Yoga and the Quest for True

Self". I went through lots of changes when I started my

practice, and frankly, if I were trying to practice at

home, kids running around, I'd be feeling pretty frayed

as well. Find a studio! You owe it to yuorself. My

husband also practices yoga once a week or so--he's not

"hooked" like I am, but sharing it has definitely made him

more understanding of why I love it.<br><br>Good luck,

simlaus. I do hope that you can find happiness where you


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