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Spouse and yoga

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i do. i was the typical male spousal type,

dragged to a class kicking and screaming, but it did hit

a chord with me. if a spouse doesn't like it, not

much you can do but enjoy your practice as best you

can. for my wife, the classes were something

approaching an epiphany. for me they were mainly a physical

challenge--"see, i bet you thought it was just a bunch of lame

stretching, so why are you over in the corner nearly puking

your guts out". but i had also been looking for some

form of physical activity that would help keep me

healthier and lower my risk for debilitating injuries as i

get older. running never interested me. lifting was

not it either. this seemed to be just the right

thing. if i get any spiritual improvement, well, we'll

see. right now i've got to go shopping for some Yanni


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My husband still hasn't come to class with me. Every time I go bike riding or go

hit golf balls with him I say, you owe me another yoga class. He's up to about

thirty classes right now.

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READERS.<br><br>Now I have the chance to brag a bit and make you all

feel jealous or cringe. My husband and I met in a yoga

ashram in northern India four years ago, and we have

been inseperable in body and spirit ever since. I know

and never forget how lucky we really are. Yoga is a

big part of our lives together. I think because we

both practiced before we met, we never experienced the

sexual issues or social changes discussed recently on

the forum. In fact, we have mostly non-yoga friends

where we live and that's fine, because we always have

each other to turn to, practice with, and show off our

latest breakthough to. After all we can't scream out in

the middle of a class, "Hey did you see that

backbend?" On the flip side, we have to work on eliminating

defensiveness when one of us says, "You need to straighten your

legs, open your heart, stop struggling." Each of us has

unique strengths and weaknesses, and our sense of

healthy competition keeps us practicing and progressing.

It's more than fun to do yoga together; it's

therapeutic. And very sexy. Of course it's more than just

doing asanas together; it's sharing a lifestyle based

on yoga (although other things are important to us

too). We never would have met, let alone got married,

were this not the case.<br><br>Sorry to make you all

quesy. We have been working on the screenplay, in which

Julia Roberts and Richard Gere will be cast (oye vey!)

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Sunandmike:<br><br>Oh am I jealous, but also

happy for you two. So lucky. This must be why you

always post the most cheery words, deserving of the name

Sunshine! And Okrgr1, I wish it had been the same for me. I

dragged my loved one to class, twice, and he was

completely turned off by the ego of the teacher (admittedly

large) and would not come back again, even when great

teachers were in town or he accompanied me out of town for

workshops. Though he does keep dangling the hope that he

might.<br><br>And, for those of you recommending martial arts

alternatives, he loves kung fu not for the sparring/fighting

part of it, but for the flowing forms. (Which just

kills me because I feel like astanga is a flowing form

and that if he gave it a chance he would love it.)

Suggesting that he go to a place because it offers Jeet Kune

Do (sp?) or Karate would be as if he suggested I go

to a yoga place that offers Bikram's (heaven

forbid!). <br><br>The yoga thing has definitely been an

issue, but he knows it does me good and encourages me to

practice.<br><br>And yes, I want it all, a nice warm getaway where I

don't have to practice alone on smelly moldy carpets

etc. and I can benefit from instruction of a

knowledgable, experienced teacher. A place that offers

something for both of us. I really liked the Yelapa retreat

suggested by Sue (?), and Lisa, that Rio Caliente retreat

looks amazing, I hope you go, wish I could. Sadly,

these would not be suitable for the non-practicing

spouse, and I cherish our time together so I wouldn't go

without him. <br><br>And though I really would love it, I

don't have a great teacher to stick with, Senor, and

I'm not willing to uproot my life and move back to

NYC and I don't have the opportunity to go to India

for several months, but if you know of a great

teacher who wants a large, ready-made group of avid

students, please send him or her to Boston, where we could

really use one. We are, in marketing parlance, an

underserved market. Until I find the teacher, sadly I will

have to remain a "yoga tourist."

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