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bandha-less in beantown

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<<if you know of a great teacher who wants

a large, ready-made group<br> of avid students,

please send him or her to Boston, where we could<br>

really use one>><br><br>i'm probably blinded by my

living in SD area with lots of "pure" ashanga teachers

(pending approval by higher authorities on this board)

nearby. i find it difficult to fathom that major metro

centers like boston don't have a reasonable ashtanga

representation, but none are listed on the ashtanga.com site. we

had the same problem trying to find ashatnga for my

sister in law in honolulu. even with the strong history

of ashtanga teachers in the islands, there is not an

ashtanga shala on oahu.

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Yeah, I'm almost as jealous of you California

folks with a choice of studios as I am of the Astanga

couples. <br><br>You would think a city like this

(largish, academic, flourishing economically, lots of

"alternative" stuff happening) would have a certified teacher.

Only seems logical. There is lots of Iyengar (Patricia

Walden's School is across the river), Kripalu (hey, the

center is just two hours down the Pike), Hatha (Barbara

Benagh's Yoga Studio is well respected), "Power Yoga"

(courtesy of Baron Baptiste), Kundalini (tried it, just

don't get it) and even a Bikram's studio nearby (same

as above). And there are some people teaching

Astanga, but none with what I would consider adequate

experience or credentials. <br><br>So here we languish

without the benefit of a senior teacher. Why, I can't

tell you. So the plea remains.

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B,<br><br>Wow you could have been describing

Vancouver here (except for the beantown name. maybe we are

raintown???).<br><br>Same exact set of yoga schools but no Kripalu up here

(but hey Richard Freeman goes to Kripalu once a year I

think)--lots of power, kundalini, Iyengar, Bikram, gentle

stuff, and something that is of local origin: "prana

yoga." Like in Baaaston(did I get the accent right?), a

few people are teaching ashtanga but no one

authorized, let alone anyone who can teach 2nd series. They

teach "ashtangar" (SPW can you say

c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l?)<br><br>We here on the Left Coast also think of ourselves as

being enlightened and open, "alt." and hip to

everything, but there sure aren't any ashtanga

instructors.<br><br>"When the student is ready..."

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Good news for those starved in Boston for decent

ashtanga teachers (and who don't have the pleasure of

being in an ashtanga coupling - I love it too,

Sunshine!)...<br><br>Some of us over here in Cambridge are organizing an

asthanga workshops in October with Cliff Schumann.

Probably the weekend of October 19-22nd. More details to

come. His bio can be seen on the jive-ass monkey site

(kidding- jivamukti site). <br><br>I realize this is a

band-aid, rather than a cure for those ashtanga blues (or

lack-of-ashtanga blues). But, at the very least his presence here

can deepen our practice and forge a stronger bond

within our Boston area community.<br><br>om


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