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go to mysore

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<<If you feel<br> you must travel to find a

good teacher, Go to Mysore.>><br><br>no doubt a

lot of folks attending the workshops are now

entertaining the idea of trying for a trip to mysore. my wife

would like to go, but concerns about travel with young

kids and other issues will likely make it a pipe dream

for either of us.<br>for those who do want to take

that step, how long can a student go for? if i recall

correctly, someone posted a thousand messages or so ago that

guruji was accepting students for stays of no less than

three month durations. is this accurate? if six weeks

were a option, i think we would consider trying to put

it together. maybe we could combine it with a trip

to see her family up north.<br>along those lines,

when people do go to mysore, are they able to

incorporate other experiences in india--side trips, tourism,

etc,-- during the time they study with guruji? or are

such experiences relegated to pre- or post-mysore

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I haven't been to mysore, so I'm just passing on

second hand information but I talked to someone a few

days ago who had studied with Pattabhi Jois. She went

fairly recently and only stayed 6 weeks. It cost $400

for the yoga instruction and approximately $2/day for

living expenses. She was in India anyway, so she just

showed up on his doorstep and he told her to come back

the next day to start. Keep me posted if you find out

anything more!!

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I studied with Pattabhi Jois in Mysore this

spring and the first month was $ 500, the following

months were $ 380. In the past years his prices have

gone up quite a bit and I`m sure it is not going to

stop because of his popularity in the U.S.<br><br>The

cost of living in Mysore is very inexpensive so it

balances it out I suppose. You can rent a room in a house

for a about 2000 Rupees which is about $ 50. In my

last month in Mysore I lived on $ 1.50 a day for three

meals. Can´t say I starved.

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To my knowledge Pattabhi doesn´t have a minimum.I

studied with people who could only stay 2 weeks. sure you

have to pay for the first months even if you stay only

1 week or 2. In the second months things will be a

little easier you can even pay by the day if you like of

course it is much more expensive. 1st and 2nd week would

be each $125. To stay 3 weeks will be $ 380 so

basically a month<br>pay. Pattabhi is quite the business

man as you can see. He does like it though if you

stay longer.

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