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HYP 1.12<br><br>"The Yogi should practice Hatha

Yoga in a small room, situated in a solitary place,

being 4 cubits square. amd free from stones, fire,

water, disturbances of all kinds, and in a country where

justice is properly administered, where good people live,

and food can be readily

obtained."<br><br>1.13<br><br>"The room should have a small door, be free from

holes, hollows, neither too high nor too low, well

plastered with cow dung and free from dirt, filth and

insects. On its outside there should be bowers, raised

platform (chabootra), a well, and a compound. These

characteristics of a room for Hatha Yogis have been described by

adepts in the practice of Hatha."<br><br>Soon to come:

instructions for dhoti swallowing and for cutting the fraenum

of the tongue with a razor blade.

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I think we should learn from other people's

mistakes about blindly following dogma, just because

someone else says so doesn't mean it's so for everyone.

find your own truth. ever read any krishnamurti? well,

that was a great guru if ever there was one. he

disassembled his own organization and following in a famous

speech, "truth is a pathless land". no flames

please...just sharing my opinion. personal attacks are invalid

logic anyway.

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I've been saying exactly the same thing, with

different words, for some time now. Those in this club who

try and bully others into following the one perfect

Ashtanga path with Jois as the guru don't have a clue.

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What do ya think Trayam...are some of those old

time practices for us in the 22nd century?? ...Like

cutting the fraenum of the toungue with a razor blade?

What kind of yoga are you doing?? If you really think

that those instructions from the Pradipika or whatever

other ancient texts are for this age and this

generation - think about it. Just sit back and think about

it - I don't care how advanced you think you

are....you think you know - think again -<br>razor

blades???!!! <br>In the old days we never went around hurting

ourselves just to do yoga...if you can't stretch the

toungue out over a 3 month period by stretching it daily

in order to achieve kechari mudra (and you are

thinking of cutting it?)- you are on a sad trip


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innerlife, my goodness, calm down a tad. he was

pointing out those proscriptions to demonstrate that just

because a rule is written down, like only doing yoga

indoors in rooms with cow dung walls or cutting your

frenulum, it doesn't have to mean we do that now. he was

not saying they should be done, just the opposite--at

least that's my read

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Haha, what a poor humorless fool. If anyone

thought that was a serious recommendation, well, you must

miss out on a lot of laughs in life.<br><br>Now I know

why no one while come visit my house. It's all the

cow dung on the floor.

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Um, John . . . I think YOU missed the humor in

cocteau27's post . . . read it again, maybe?<br><br>Sometimes

the funniest stuff seems to be the most serious.

Methinks that the spoofer's been spoofed this

time!<br><br>Also, what the deal with the condescending & judgmental

"poor humorless fool"


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Hi all,<br><br>I know it's REALLY particular and

a "Math Geek" thing, not that I am one

particularly, but this is still the final year of the 20th

century IL99 . . .<br><br>Hey, maybe this thread will

start a debate on the validity of our Western calendar

system? <br><br>Anyway, only a harmless point of

clarification post.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br>Namaste,<br><br>-jg.

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Hmn - I was going to offer to do it with nice

sharp modern surgical equipment in a nice clean

cow-dung-free Southern Californian modern JCAHO certified

hospital even with anesthesia. I suggest doing a z-plasty

to increase the length and flexibility of the

frenulum. Your choice, though.

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Not at all! In fact, it's time for me to reveal

I'm now a True Believer in the Holy prescriptions of

the Holy pre-scriptures and the One Guru. Until the

frenum is fully liberated and kechari mudra is possible,

the brain isn't fit to think for itself, and

therefore no latitude for misshapen advice from Yoga

free-thinkers can be tolerated.<br><br>We must be forever

vigilant against the false and dangerous Renegade

Astangis, the ones who willfully and defiantly preach and

teach contrary to Established Wisdom of scripture and

Guru. The harm they do is

incalculable.<br><br>Especially beware those Renegades recommending that the


abstain from sugar, when it's clear that both our Beloved

Guruji as well as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika actually

*recommend* the use of sweets!<br><br>Such transparent

deception and harmful advice is an abomination to Yogadom.

Or something like that.

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