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On the topic of Nazis, it is importa

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<Oh puleeeeze. I was there. And I can assure

everyone here that PKJ is no God. He is just this fat old

man making a tremendous amount of $$. Ashtanga is a

great system of yoga, but, please, its definitely NOT

the BE and End of all yoga systems.><br><br>There

is no lie here. There is no complaint here. There is

a statement of fact, that Jois makes a lot of

money. And there is certainly no complaint about an

increase in fee such as you allege. Apparently you need

help in reading simple English, My Nazi Pinched B*tt.

<br><br>You would be far better off finding a class in

English at your local junior college than spending your

energies in culling through several thousand messages for

that one. How many hours did you stupidly spend

looking that up? Probably not as many hours as you spend

on your lists and counting your rupees to make sure

you weren't over charged by a few fractions of a


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