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diet...after years of personal research

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Only you can determine the best diet for

yourself.<br>But the only diet for an ashtangi is a vegetarian

diet. don't believe any of the blood type b.s. that

says that some people should eat meat.<br><br>If you

are a fatty (a big tub of lard), you must lose weight

to practice. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika and every

other book on yoga states that yogis are austere

individuals who eat little. Avoid wheat, sugar and dairy. Eat

little to no dinner (just some fruit or a bowl of soup

or a salad)<br><br>Read 2 books. Diet For a New

America by John Robbins (if you are not already a

vegetarian)<br>Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousins.<br><br>Eat as much raw

food as possible as the energetic quality and

nutrients are highest. Personally, I am about 80% raw

foods. Sharat, on the other hand, lives on Rice and

Sambar(basically a lentel based broth with indian vegetables and

spices)<br><br>If you are not vegetarian, wean yourself gradually.

I ate fish for a number of years before i got off

it completely out of respect for Guruji, but then

because I realized that I didn't need or want it any

more. Remember meat is meat. Our sea dwelling brethren

are just as much living creatures as a cow. They are

also sadly laden with toxins beyond belief. Mercury

etc..<br><br>Also, beware the Protein myth. You don't need that

much. My MD says 35-45 grams per day. Gabriel cousins

says 25 grams. If you feel attached to the protein

thing, buy Rice Protein and mix it into a smoothie in

the morning...2 scoups is 26 grams there

alone.<br><br>Don't freak out or obsess; as your practice deepens,

your diet will become more austere and you will crave

less food and less toxic stuff. Also, you become a

highly efficient processor of energy. (I still enjoy

some wine on Friday nights and once in a while during

the week)<br><br>Experiment with the above. It is

such an important part of the practice, let me know

how it goes.<br><br>All the above is based on my

experience and works for me. I am not a doctor or

nutritionist but have discussed this extensively with other

Ashtangis. I am sharing these views but you should use

common sense and not try anything too extreme (7 day

fasts, coffee enemas, etc) without proper

supervision.<br><br>El Senor Pinche Wey

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