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Confusion M.P vs. El Senor Pinche Wey

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Since Senor Pinche Wey moved to America from his

native Mexico, the children in the neighborhood call me

Mr. Pinche Wey or sometimes Mr. P.<br><br>Hence, in

my haste to respond to all the crims and friends

alike on this board I quickly type MP standing for Mr.

P or Mr. Pinche.<br><br>I am very flattered that

some here on this board would confuse me with one who

is so superior in yogic knowledge such as yourself,

I am flattered. <br> <br>I do not know how to

convince the doubters of our seperate identities except to

say that perhaps it does not matter.<br><br>I would

be honored indeed to share a coconut with you in

Lakshmi Puram and perhaps that day shall come...(who

knows, many of Guruji's most devoted students will come

for the temple dedication next year and you will be

there) but one thing we both know is that a fruit salad

or bowl of Papaya at that thief, Nagaratna's would

be out of the question.<br><br>Mr. Pinche

<br>Wey<br><br>ps the similarities between Missy Pinky and Mr.

Pinche could take on proportions of the many comparisons

between Lincoln and Kennedy that have befuddled

historians for a generation...

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