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ashtanga--a practice of the elderly?

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phillip, first I want to say I love Athens. I

lived there (in the Kolenaki area) for 6 months,

studying Greek culture and language. It felt like home and

I would very much like to return someday with my

husband. But I have already forgotten all the Greek I

learned.<br><br>And about a teen finding out about ashtanga, I think

in North America it would be very easy.

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I've noticed this as well, especially during

Guruji's visit. More young women in attendance than young

men! The guys seem to be, as a group, at least 10

years older than the women....how can this

be?<br><br>My theory is this: most guys in their 20s to early

30s are still taken up with the "running sports." And

these sports, along with pumping iron, just dont really

mix well with real progression in this yoga.

<br><br>We tend to do what feels good, and continually

trying to mix heavy sports activity with astanga

practice is like pissing in the wind. <br><br>We guys get

older (me for instance) they may tend to give up on the

running and iron and focus on just the yoga. Hence, more


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<<My theory is this: most guys in their 20s

to early 30s are still taken up with the "running

sports." And these sports, along with pumping iron, just

dont really mix well with real progression in this

yoga.>><br>I am not sure of your definition of "real

progression" so whatever it is may make my comment moot... but

I have to say that I somewhat disagree.<br>I am 36,

male, and xc ski race, do running races, compete in

ironman competitions... etc... and I got into yoga (a mix

of Iyengar/Kripalu style) for flexibility reasons. I

quickly discovered a hidden benefit that I can't put into

words, and eventually found my way to ashtanga (though I

rarely have time for STRICT ashtanga style (through

Beryl's book, Yogavermont, and David Swenson) and I love

it. I find it more than counterbalances what I do to

my body by running and cycling- plus it has the

additional benefit of having increased the spiritality in my

life. I will probably never be able to put my leg

behind my head or maybe even sit in full lotus, but I

really don't care... I am way more flexible than I have

been in 15 years and much calmer, happier, and

centered. My point is that even as I train for my

competition seasons, I see definite progress in my yoga and

flexibility.. I do not feel like I am pissing into the

wind.<br>Sorry to ramble.. Randy

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