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are some people infertile territory?

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well, i'd have to appraise my self as being a

spiritual wasteland, barren as they come. however, i do

find a lot of value in doing my practice. probably a

lot of that is egocentric stuff right now--getting

into a posture i've struggled with previously, holding

the headstand for the whole count, etc. i didn't

start doing ashtanga to discover a spiritual state,

however. if something develops over time, well i'm so much

the better off.<br> <br>i'm something of a prig i

guess, but i couldn't disagree with you more on the

'value' of psychodelics and other recreational drugs.

i've not done much, pot & hash as a kid, so i'm

speaking about stuff without first hand experience. i see

the consequences of drugs disrupting peoples lives on

a regular basis though. the 'good' of using drugs

is a fantasy, the bad is just a few steps down the

lane. enough soap boxing by me. maybe instead of

stiffy, i should just go by the screen name 'mom'

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ok mom,<br><br>You're probably far from being a

"spiritual wasteland." It really depends on how you define

"spiritual" and "spiritual state."<br><br>I never said doing

psychedelic drugs was necessarily a good thing, only that

they may enable certain people to experience reality

in ways that are not pre-defined. This ability to

form new paradigms and outlooks on life can lead to an

expansion of consciousness: not spirituality itself, but an

open-mindedness that lends itself to spirituality. The word

"psychedelic" means "mind-revealing," or "mind-opening." But

the risks include severe, life-disrupting delusions

and illusions, as many people know.

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