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Chuck Miller and Maty Ezraty at Yoga Works in

Santa Monica are suppose to be great. Also Tim Miller

(certified by Guruji) in Encinitas if you can make it up

there. And if you're interested in practicing with a

yoga criminal there's Bryan Kest in Santa Monica as

well. <br><br>I know there are many others as well but

I'm on on my first cup of coffee and still trying to

get ready for another day in the trenches of

advertising. Have fun.

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>.any good classes there>> lots of good

options. where to go kind of depends on what part of town

you'll be in. in addition to the locations mentioned in

the prev post, consider ahimsa yoga. it seemed like

every person i met at the carlsbad workshop was from

there. not that they have a crowded place, i understand

it is a fairly small mom and pop place, rather than

an industrial site like jivamukti sounds. i was very

impressed with the yoga practices of not just the

instructors, kimberly flynn and noah williams, but just the

regular folks as well. all were quite friendly and all

went at it in practice. i believe they are in the

hollywood area. i know kimberly (at least i think it was

kimberly, could have been noah i guess) posted here a bit

early on in the life of the forum under the name

noahkimberly. <br>web site:

<a href=http://www.ashtangayogashala.com/


contact<br>if you have the

time and inclination to check out the back waters

while in LA, give me a holler and we''ll help you do SD

(actually, i'm not sure you really can 'do' SD unless you do

seaworld, etc., it's a weird, comfortable kind of place).

or at least we can share some red, red wine with you

and let you ride our dog

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"If you have the time and inclination give me a

holler and we''ll help you do SD. or at least we can

share some red, red wine with you and let you ride our

dog" <br><br>What's DO SD? Is it a kind of west coast

yankee halucogen? And at where in any of my postings did

I give the impression I was into bestiality? Ride

your dog, indeed! You should be ashamed of yourself.

There's a name for people like you and it ain't Kevin.

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LouLou-<br><br>By all means come on down and

visit San Diego! Tim Miller is currently out of town

now and for about 5 more weeks. Dom Coriglione has an

interesting and challenging workshop class every Sat am 9-11

at the Ashtanga Center in Encinitas. Sunday AM

there's an early AM 2nd series, then a first series led

class, and a 4pm led first series class. Check Tim

Miller's website for more info. Have fun on the left


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