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Pain in the knees

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Any suggestions for curing knee pain? I think I

did something while trying to get my hands together

in pidasana. I've never had any knee problems so I

am not familiar with any remedies. Is it possibly

the lateral collateral ligament (my pain is on the

outside of my knees)? Anyway, it really only aches when

getting into the lotus postion or torquing my knees

outwards. <br><br>My guess is that I should take it easy

but I hate doing that. <br><br>BTW, thanks for all

the San Francisco class advice. I ended up going only

to the mysore classes at It's Yoga due to its

proximity. They were helpful would go to them again.

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I've dealt with the exact same pain. It will go

away. Try to stretch your hips out more and your knees

will take less stress. I normally try to sit up

straight and cradle my calf up to my chest for at least

ten breaths before trying to do half or full lotus

asanas, and it's helped tremendously. If you're taking

led classes you'll fall behind a little. Give your

ego -- which likes you to do padmasana even though it

hurts -- a holiday.

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For knee pain open the hips a bit more and that

will help. Be sure to go into the posture(s) very very

slowly allowing the body to open at its own pace. Be

sure that your knees are not "locking" and do a haft

lotus instead .... until your knees are ready to open

to the full flower (lotus).

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I´ve been told that all pain due to practicing

yoga will eventually go away the same way it came

about - by practicing yoga. I tend to think of knee

pain as a warning message from one`s body telling one

to pay more attention to relaxing the hips and also

not to advance too fast in the series.


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I have been instructed to practice anything that hurts the knee with a wash

cloth balled up behind the painful knee. (I can't tell you if it works since the

pain went away before I tried it.)

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There's already been lots of good advice on knees

here, such as Guy's message back in July, message #1229

(which I just spent ages looking for - wouldn't it be

great if we had a search facility for old

messages?)<br><br>I started yoga with an old injury on the outside of

my right knee that I'd had for over ten years.

Surgery hadn't helped it. Yoga has fixed it completely,

although I'm still working through the hip tightness that

came from going around with a bad knee for all that

time.<br><br>For the last couple of years I've had trouble with

injuries on the insides of both knees, caused by pushing

too hard to "get" padmasana. When I was in New York

in the summer I asked Manju Jois what to do - he

said if the problem came from yoga, just keep

practicing but be careful.<br><br>Either don't use ibuprofen

to deaden the pain so you can practice through it -

or if you do, expect lots of controversy if you

admit to it here!

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