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Pain in the knees ( hamstrings, etc)

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Hello, <br><br>I have been dealing with a chronic

hamstring injury since March (I tore the

semitendonosus(sp?)muscle and membrane with an overzealous adjustment in

prasarita padottanasana), and have recently received three

sessions of acupuncture treatment, along with some chinese

herbals (To help with circulation / beakdown of scar

tissue) and I must say I am thrilled with the results. In

three weeks I have regained almost full range of

motion, and my pain / discomfort when working through

Primary Series forward bends is greatly lessened. After

almost eight months of frustration (as I tried practise

(ever so mindfully) through it, I feel my practise

taking off again...<br><br>I am not sure if a knee

injury would respond to acupuncture as well, but the

idea of increasing circulation to the area, and

opening / clearing energy channels to increase flow of

energy makes sense....<br><br>I suggest finding an

experienced, certified Doctor of Traditional

(Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Specialist ) in your

area.<br><br>All you other chronically injured Ashtangi

practitioners out there...Check it out !!!!<br><br>Good Luck,


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i'm not a doctor, but:<br>i had a lot of knee

stiffness/soreness/pain for a while, during the first couple months of my

ashtanga practice, and did get acupuncture for it, with

very good results. however, i also started taking a

daily glucosamine/chondroitin supplement, which is

supposed to repair joint cartilage (remember, i'm not a

doctor), AND continuing w/regular ashtanga... so who

knows, really, what gets the credit, but the bottom line

is that my knees feel great, padmasana feels great,

etc.<br>ALSO - potassium is really important for joint health,

and i think cayenne pepper is a great dietary

addition. for years now, the first thing i drink in the

morning is lemon juice, raw honey, and cayenne, covered

in hot water. warms you up and declogs your

sinuses.<br>namaste, caroline

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