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Greetings from Bonny Scotland!

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Hello to all,<br><br>Actually this isn't a reply

to the previous message. I just haven't yet figured

out how to post without using the reply

button.<br><br>I was so chuffed to see this club! I have been

attempting to learn and practice astanga yoga for 5 years,

using the Power Yoga book by Beryl Bender Birch. Her

introductory chapters appealed to me on an intuitive level,

and after learning some of the postures, I am a true

believer that this is something I should stick with.

However, I consistently struggle with my own

inconsistency. I have only learned (and practice) through the

standing postures, primarily because I go through spells

where I don't practice at all, and when I then get back

with it, I don't have the strength, focus or

flexibility to move on to the seated postures. As I start to

build up to that, something always happens where I

allow myself to get pulled off track again, and stop

practicing. <br><br>So, I've decided to look for ways to find

and maintain motivation. It was fantastic to find so

much on the web related to this, and perhaps this club

is a type of a social support. I don't want to

project a heap of expectations onto it. It's just nice to

see people talking about something I feel strongly

about. . . and haven't been able to speak with others

who feel the same. Anyone else out there who has

similar experience?<br><br>Anyway, that's enough waffle

for one posting. Hope I didn't take up too much time

for those of you sifting for gold. Hope you find it.

I'm looking too. :)

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Greetings to you in Bonny Scotland, Laura. I can

relate. When I first started practicing ashtanga it took

me a while to get into a consistent routine because

I was traveling at the time. We were living in Bali

when we took our first class and then we went to

Thailand for several months, and although my husband

brought his yoga mat with him, it was hard for either of

us to practice weekly, let alone daily. We stayed in

rooms that were not always conducive to practice,

either. Once in a while we'd spend a few evening hours

practicing our newfound primary series, but just like you,

would go so long without doing it afterwards. It was

hard to restructure our day when it had no structure

to begin with (unless drinking a beer at sunset on

the beach every day counts as structure). Without a

class group or other support or any motivation at

all--fuggetaboutit.<br><br>SO--let me wrap this up as quickly as I can--we had


apartment in Bali and during the last month we were there,

I finally got into a routine of practicing primary

series daily. I remembered an adage I heard a while

back, "Do anything for 21 days and it becomes a habit."

I've noticed this to be true. I'd make myself do at

least the 5 surya namskar A and 5 surya B, no matter

what. That was my minimum and it helped keep my

burgeoning momentum afloat. After a while I couldn't JUST do

surya namaskars, but I'd have the motivation to do

more. I suppose connecting with other ashtangis is a

very helpful way to stay disciplined, so stick around

and don't worry--you'll get hooked one way or

another. Glad you found this club. I was excited when I

stumbled upon it, too.

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do you do you practice mainly at home or in

classes? i think one reason that i enjoy going to classes

as much as i do is that i would probably never

accomplish as much if i just did my practice at home by

myself. i don't where you are in scotland. the

ashtanga.com site lists the yoga center in




<br>The Yoga Centre<br> 1 Meadow Place<br> Edinburgh EH9

1JZ<br> Scotland<br> Tel/Fax 0131 221 9697<br>

yoga<br>as an authorized ashtanga teaching site. there are

likely many other yoga places that offer instuction in

ashtnaga classes as well. <br>it wasn't until i went to

guruji's workshop and thereby did the practice everyday

that i saw the value of regular practice. now, my

daily satisfaction is dependent upon whether or not

this will be one of those days in which job and other

factors conspire to prevent me from going to

class.<br>there are still plenty of days in which my mind is weak

and i dread the discomforts and fatigue but i never

dread it once i am done--one of the best feelings


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I agree, okrgr1. From David Swenson's manual: "I

have never had a practice that I regretted. Not once

have I finished a routine and though, 'Oh, I wish I

hadn't done that.' But there have been days that I

didn't practice and later wished I had." I've often felt

the same way.<br><br>The days when I really don't

feel like doing yoga are usually when my body needs it

the most. Practice on days like those, and you'll be

glad you did. Get over that initial hurdle by just

getting on the mat and doing the sun salutes - then go

from there.

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