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amaroli. faccording to satyananda

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it is not possible to overcome mental

conditioning about urine just by thinking intellectually.

however, practice of amaroli rapidly dissolves

subconscious blockages. if you feel that your own urine is

impure, it betrays your deep subconscious belief about

your own body and its origin. subconsciously, you have

inherited the conviction that your body is impure. this

deep rooted defect must be eradicated, and if amoroli

is practised for a fixed period of time according to

the guru´s instruction, this surely

occurs.<br> scientists who study the body´s biorhythms have discovered

that during the day and night, various hormones are

secreted sequentially. for example, pituitary hormones

such as the growth hormone are released during sleep,

while acth which activates the adrenal glands and tsh

which activates the thyroid, become prominent during

daytime activity. pineal hormones follow a similar

diurnal pattern.<br> the various hormones are filtered

into the urine over the nocturnal sleep period and are

reassimilated into the blood when amoroli is practised on

rising in the morning. this urine will accurately mirror

the hormonal activities which have occurred during

sleep. in this regard, it is the hormones secreted in

the night, and specifically in the very early morning

hours, which are of most value, because in the

physiological ¨lull¨period, consciousness is withdrawn from the

lower centers and the secretions of the cerebral glands

become prominent. <br> the influence of vajroli and

amaroli upon the human reproductive system is profound.

the levels of reproductive hormones from the

pituitary (gonadotrophins) follow a monthly rhythm in the

female body to secrete oestrogen and progesterone

sequentially, which initiate and maintain the menstrual cycle.

in the male body the pituitary gonadotrophins cause

the formation of the spermatozoa and the secretion of

testosterone by the testes. their levels in the bloodstream

vary according to the rate of sperm formation and

release......and more coming....

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amaroli/vajroli has always been known to yoginis

as an effective oral contraceptive. this occurs

because the reassimilation of the urine containing

oestrogen and progesterone effectively inhibits ovulation,

in the same way that the oral contraceptive

¨pill¨which contains synthetic oestrogen and progesterone

prevents ovulation from occurring. the difference is that

in amoroli these hormones are the body´s own natural

products, and many of the side effects of the synthetic

preparations do not occur.<br> similarly, in the male,

reassimilation of testosterone in the urine creates ¨negative

feedback¨ upon the pituitary, inhibiting the further

release of gonadotrophins. as a result, the further

production of testosterone and spermatozoa is temporarily

inhibited. as a result the sperm count diminishes, although

seminal fluid continues to be formed. <br><br><br>we have

to remember that amaroli has always been a closely

guarded secret revealed to yogis by initiation but not to

others. it is part of a system which evolves the human

body into an illumined state over a number of

years.<br> what is the overall effect of long-term practice of

amaroli upon the human psychophysiology? medical science

has yet to establish it, but we can postulate that it

rectifies the inherent imbalance between the process of

production and consumption of hormones in the body which is

the fundamental cause of the aging process.

scientists have always dreamed of a ¨perpetual motion

machine¨which would run indefinitely on its own products, thus

conserving energy for other purposes, but they have been

unable to create it. amaroli is based upon this

principle. <br> there are a few rules for those who wish to

practise amoroli. first of all, amaroli sadhana is not

suitable for all, and therefore it should be adopted

according to the guru´s instructions. secondly, the amount

and duration of the practise will be indicated by the

guru. thirdly, regular habits and lifestyle are

necessary. finally, the amaroli is a secret sadhana. once

you are practising, it should not be discussed in

public. certain experiences will come to you in yoga

sadhana which are known to the guru and can be discussed

with him, but not with others......take it or leave it


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godfrey, thanks for providing us with your

insights. as usual, your thorough discussion is well

thought out and brings information to us we haven't been

able to get anywhere else. <br><br>you're right, it is

quite easy to poke fun at the practice because it is,

to most folks, icky--for want of a better word.

<br>i think it would be fair to point out that many of

the proposed benefits you mention, such as modulation

of internal hormonal patterns for whatever benefit,

are just that--proposed or supposed. adherents will

likely accept that the practice has a particular

benefit, which is not the same thing as being able to

actually demonstrate a benefit.<br> <br>the basic counter

argument against ingesting the body's surplus, or waste,

depending on your urinary point of view, still holds...if

the body needed that compound, be it urea, vitamin c

or any other thing excreted in the urine, it would

not excrete it. so why re-ingest what the body has

worked to eliminate? that the practice is not for the

general population goes without saying. but to cloak it

as a secret process, with wisdoms evident only to

faithful acolytes, does not create a credible foundation

for people to consider it.

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