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Krishnamacharya's vinyassa

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-from the biography Health Healing & Beyond-Yoga

and the living tradition of Krishnamacharya by TKV

Desikachar<br>"Vinyassa is, I believe, one of the richest concepts to

emerge from Yoga for the successful conduct of our

actions and relationships.My father's students were often

amazed that he would greet them at the gate when they

arrived,conduct the lessons, and then escort them back to the

gate and bid them farewell.Often, a student considers

it a somewhat elaborate courtesy,but it is actually

vinyassa.- Vinyassa grants both teacher and student a sense

of completion that is also a preparation for the

next phase of our life.<br>In Vinyassa, the ending of

a progression takes on deep meaning.The last asana

must be close to what we do next. If I am moving

towards pranayama,I'll want to be in a sitting

position.If I am planning to sleep, the final posture must

not be something that keeps me awake but , rather, a

position in a lying position. Vinyassa is in itself a form

of self-study that engages attention upon the

consequences of our actions.When we devote all of our

concentration,energy,and time to a special work project, we must know how

to bring it to a close and resume the normal rhythms

of work and familly life."

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