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we're not going to search anymore!!

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posters of the world, UNITE!! we shouldn't

have to put up with the primitive resources doled out

to us by the upper echelon. other message

sites, like silicone investor, have some search

functions. are we less deserving than those poor,

disfunctional, investing dreamers??<br>i say probably

not!!<br>join me as we storm the walls of ether and post our

protests to the high and mighty s. hit this site and

demand more service for your money!! after all, we can

all go somewhere else can't







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I was having a nostalgic trawl through some of

the older messages recently. ("Ah, last October when

I had flu and a crippling knee injury and had

barely practiced for two months. Those were the days").

Being a sad bastard with nothing better to do for an

evening / a dedicated public servant of the ashtanga

community, I started to note down some some of the more

interesting stuff that was being said back then. And since we

ain't got no stinkin' search facility, and other people

might also want to find out who has said what about

knees, Iyengar yoga, how to nail that last tricky fifth

series asana (etc), I thought I might as well stick it

on my website. So here it is

at:<br><br><a href=http://www.alanlittle.org/yoga/index.html

target=new>http://www.alanlittle.org/yoga/index.html</a><br><br>It's highly

selective. I've tried to limit it to

general information & philosophising, and I've avoided

the Beryl wars. Enjoy (John).

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good job alan, as usual. when i did my trawl for

the jump thru stuff, i put it on the ashtanga II site

that dantrishan put up. it could be referenced there

without having to wade thru as many posts at some point

in the future. your list would be useful there as

well, if you have the inclination. <br><br>so, more

photos please! you have a nice hand with the lens and

we've all enjoyed what you have done so far.

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