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funky hubris

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right on again funky<br><br> that poem was

patronizing and nauseating.<br><br> Yeah. And i agree with

the pressing from behind - that has been<br> my very

(almost) worst adjustment tooo!<br><br> And why aren't

more people acknowledging the variety of<br> emotions

that yoga dislodges? Yes, bouts of anger, yes, a

feeling<br> of sedation and calm and meditation, yes,

sadness. Yes, just<br> feeling great and ready for the day

like a rainstorm has flushed all<br> cobwebs

away.<br><br> Come out and reveal yourselves, lurkers. Unless

you have no<br> dents in your armor of course.

Noooothing stored in those stiff<br> hips.<br><br> They will

stay stiff until you open up.<br> Until you dare to

look down into that inner abyss.

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I think it's ok to acknowledge that as human

beings we will encounter the whole range of emotions

that can possibly exist. I think even evolved beings

experience sadness etc. That's what makes us human. Those

emotions are forms of energy which can be extremely

powerful. I recently had quite an experience with anger. I

am still thinking of the energy rush beneath it!

That doesn't make it positive or negative - it just

exists. We can choose to invest in the emotion completely

or remain detached and observe it. I think this

takes much practice.<br> People who think that these

real emotions will cease to exist are conjuring up a

spiritual Disneyland.

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nadi ca<br><br>thankyou.<br>Especially for using

my own very favorite expression.....people who

expect disney. (Normally myself using it in the context

of people who expect a new partner to live out their

fantasies and not to be a real person.) No, also in yoga

their is no disney, because disney is cold, unreal and

....ultimately fake. But hey, it is predictable and all most

people ever want to deal with.<br><br>It is the real

stuff, admittedly uncomfortable sometimes, that in the

end truly makes us feel alive.<br><br>Risk a little,

FEEL a little, and own it...!

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Yesh, if you're going to rip or preach of

otherwise offer free advice (worth every penny it is) then

fine...but signing off with the "i louve you" adds cloying

suspect sentiment to what's already quite sententious.

<br><br>Reform thyself new club member...<br><br>Much


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