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I would also advocate giving acupuncture a shot.

As told a while ago, despite extreme skepticism, I

tried it for traumatic back pain. The practitioner told

me it would take a few sessions. I lay there feeling

like a sucker as she stuck needles in my back. But

when she told me I could get up, I actually could,

without pain. I did another session in a week and that

was it. Good luck with your neck.<br><br>Also, I'll

join in the chorus recommending "Healing Back Pain" by

John Sarno. It's an inexpensive paperback and more

than worth the price and time of reading it.

<br><br>My dog has recently had spinal surgery and, after

healing well she has suffered a setback so severe that

she has great trouble walking. (She's 12 1/2.) The

vet put her on drugs, Prednizone then Rimadyl, which

may help pain but not the healing. The vet

recommended a pet acupuncturist and we went to her this

weekend. Little Cassandra was not happy at being treated

like a pin cushion! But I'm going to follow through

the six sessions and see if it helps. I just don't

know how those chi meridiens translate to a canine.

Has anyone had any experience with this? I'd

appreciate hearing about it. Thanks, B

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She's smart but not that smart.<br>And the poor

thing can't even do her up-dog and down-dog stretches

right now. (Though her legs are so short less astute

observers could not tell which was which.) She does,

however, do some amazing spinal twists.

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Bandawoman,<br><br>When I lived on the Western

Slope of Colorado, several friends took pets to an

acupuncturist in Glenwood Springs---all with very positive

reports. I hope it is successful for your dog as well.

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Best of luck with your dog's acupuncture

treatments bandawoman. My mother took her dog for several

visits last year to treat a leg problem and he had good

results. <br>I don't mind being treated like a pin cushion

but at least I know why I'm being stuck. I always

feel sorry for our canine friends because we can't

tell them what is going on and that we are trying to

help them.

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