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new ashtangi needs an answer...help

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Hello there! I was wondering if you all could

help me. are women supposed to abstain from practice

completely during their periods or ? Is there a time frame

like three days off? I am new to my ashtanga practice

and find that whenever I remember to ask my teacher

there is a room full of students and I get shy. Any

knowledge on the subject is completely

appreciated.<br>Thanks aecho

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Can someone more technically adept than I please

put the "Ladies Holiday" (or, "What to do when the

painters are in") postings on the astanga II site if they

are not there already? And the basic info on going to

Mysore? These seem to be consistently FAQs.<br><br>Also,

it would be great if the Astanga II site were added

to the "Links" section on the left hand of this home

page so my bad memory won't require me to keep paging

back to find that site, and to make it easier to send

new folks there to find the info they are asking

about. I'd do it myself, but I am darn near technically

illiterate, and site II is such a helpful

thing.<br><br>Thanks, and thanks to you, Laura, for the good wishes. I

may post a photo of Cassandra as pin cushion if I can

get a photo during the next session. Hope you

continue with the Edinburgh classes.

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I never take a break in my practice during my

periods, because it doesn't bother my practicing at all

(maybe I shouldn't be telling this, but anyway...). My

practice lasts only an hour at a time, though. <br>I have

asked this from my teacher, who said, that my practice

isn't yet that hard, so I may decide myself whether or

not do the whole thing. She self does the second

series and said that nowadays she has felt it better to

skip a few days. She also said that if I feel like

doing my practice during my periods, I should anyway

skip the upside-down asanas such as salamba

sarvangasana, so that the blood would sort of flow naturally..

I hope you dare to ask too, teachers usually have a

quite lot of experience!

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