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David Swenson Questions

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I'm using David Swenson's excellent PRACTICE

MANUAL and I have a few questions about the ordering or

"sandwiching" of the series.<br><br>On page 59, he says, "If

you are practicing Primary Series proceed to page 60.

If you are entering Intermediate Series go to page

129." <br><br>Does that mean he does not intend for all

sections to be performed after one another? Does the

Intermediate Series ultimately supersede the Primary Series

once the Primary Series has been

mastered?<br><br>Then, on page 126 he says, "This is the final asana of

the Primary Series. It completes the 'filling' of the

Ashtanga 'sandwich.' From here proceed to the Finishing

Sequence on page 206." <br><br>Okay, I think I understand

what that means: If you aren't ready for the

Intermediate Series, jump to page 206 and finish yourself off,

right?<br><br>My final question is on the ultimate ordering of

sequences. At the conclusion of the book, Swenson redacts

the practice into the following sections:<br><br>Sun

A<br>Sun B<br>Standing Sequence<br>Primary

Series<br>Intermediate Series<br>Finishing Sequence<br><br>Is the

ultimate goal to take each of those sections and weave

them together into a single practice? <br><br>Or do

you either do the Primary Series or the Intermediate

Series but not both one after the other? <br><br>I

certainly can't do all of the asanas in the Intermediate

series, but I like to do as much as I can for the best

continued challenge and there are several I enjoy

performing. <br><br>I thank you!

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Canlkmine: If you like David Swenson's Practice

Manual, you may want to try practicing along with his

video(s). Since the book explains the asanas, the videos

will flow you through the sequence without making you

crane your neck in an incorrect manner. <br>Of course a

video is no substitute for taking classes with a

qualified teacher, but if you're on your own it's a good

way to get the sequence ingrained in your body's

memory. (And then you get to hear all the sanskrit words

you're asking about, albiet with a slight Texas twang.)

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You mean take a class in

person?<br><br>NEVER!<br><br>Not after reading this board!<br><br>I don't want

some guy sticking his wank in my back!

(bwa-ha!)<br><br>Seriously... I'm writing a comprehensive review of Ashtanga

books, videos and products (mats, rugs, etc.) for a

magazine from a novice's point of view. <br><br>For many

across the world, the web, videos and books are the sole

means of education. So I'm putting myself in their

shoes and researching and reading and watching to help

show them how it can be done with patience and caution

and feedback from good kin like you.

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You must let us know when your article comes out.

I hope it contains information as to how someone,

practising alone, makes up for the lack of adjustments from

a qualified teacher. For my own practice, I've been

trying to think up ways to self adjust when I have to

practice alone.

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I'll certainly let you know when the article

appears. It may be a month or two.<br><br>Learning alone

is tough because nothing replaces a live teacher,

but does that mean folks in Podunk, USA cannot and

should not learn Ashtanga or Pilates or something else

just because they're stuck in the boonies?<br><br>Book

and video learning can be done if caution and

patience are made paramount and I will address that

specifically in my review.

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