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Vinyasa Questions

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Does one do a Vinyasa basically after every

seated position?<br><br>When you are working one side of

the body (say a steated leg strech) are you supposed

to Vinyasa between the stretching of each leg or

only after each leg has been individually


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<<Does one do a Vinyasa basically after

every seated position?>><br><br>there is a

distinction in the types of vinyasas. the typical vinyasa,

which may more accurately be descibed as a half

vinyasa, is performed after each seated posture. there are

some variations that are followed commonly (at least

in all the classes i have gone to): usually, there

is no vinyasa done between the different

paschimottanasana variations--you go directly from one to the next.

most classes i have gone to do not do a vinyasa

between kurmasana and supta kurmasana. sometimes,

teachers will opt to not have the class vinyasa between

ubbhaya padangusthasana and urdhva mukha

paschimottanasana. i think most do vinyasa here.<br><br>yes, you

should do a half vinyasa between each leg for a given

forward bending seated posture. many times, students who

are just beginning and have not developed enough

endurance are encouraged to only vinyasa after doing both

legs.<br><br>as to the 'other' kind of vinyasa, the full vinyasa,

this is not typically done. lino miele does give full

vinyasa classes and i have had a teacher do it on

occasion for variation and to get the room a little

warmer. in this approach,as you start each vinyasa, once

you got to down dog, you would progress to

samasthitii (i'm sure i slaughtered the spelling there, bear

with me) then back down thru the rest of the vinyasa

to get back to the jump thru and the next posture.

takes a bit more time and energy. since you're

collecting videos, this approach is demonstrated in his

video available thru a variety of sources

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