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Those damn painters...

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Chalkmine, we have chatted about this but you'd

have to wade back over thousands of tedious (as well

as informative... and downright funny) messages.

<br><br>Personally, I find that ashtanga helps me when I've got the

painters in. I get two/three days of flow , as opposed to

five or six. I get fewer and less severe pre-menstrual

symptoms and less painful cramping. <br><br>I don't take a

break during the blob either... I get so few chances to

do my practice, and now I'm into a routine (sort

of)... I need to stick to it. There's enough

distractions in my life as it is. <br><br>Finally, I don't

believe doing ashanga has any negative effects during

this time. I've yet to read conclusive medical proof

that it does. Whilst in crete recently, we discussed

this issue with a couple of doctors and a

gynaecologist (two male, one female). All agreed that there was

no real reason for stopping practise. And the gynae

was convulsed at tthe thought of the menses "running

back the wrong way" during inverted postures. As she

said, where on earth can it run to. <br><br>I'm of the

belief that you hit the nail on the head with the

"fright factor" comment. However, I'm NOT a hardcore yoga

babe. I've been certified as a yoga tourist for my

drinking/smoking/partying/meat eating lifestyle and my disdain for people who

blindly follow ancient traditions and dogma without

attempting to find their own path.<br><br>You're wife sounds

like my kinda gal, but there are plenty of people here

who will disagree with my comments. <br><br>Have you

told her that soon her boobs will be as pert as

falsies? Dontcha just love down dog...

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Bwa-ha, blondeismore fun, you're funny! I haven't

tell told my wife about her boobs becoming pert

(because I didn't know, but I'm thrilled to know!) -- I

will leave that news with her as I share your words.

<br><br>Hmm... the extremes in your life are quite interesting:

You're an Ashtanga babe who exercises her body to

detoxify what she puts in it all day long! <br><br>Do you

find yourself moving to better health and strength or

does Ashtanga only serve to take you back to neutral

after your drinkinging/smoking/partying/meat

eating?<br><br>We're Vegan here. I went Vegan due to high cholesterol.

Veganism and exercise took me from 250 to 159 and put my

ratio from 5.6 to 4.2. <br><br>My wife, however, went

Vegan for all the right reasons: You don't eat your

friends. <br><br>After two years I now fully share that

path now that I've healed myself and can finally let

go of "the world revolves around me" myth.

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shhhhhhhh...all this realisitic talk is ruining

it for those who use their periods as an acceptable

excuse to take time off :)<br><br>Oh, chalkmine and

LouLou, I know I'm butting in on the thread a bit, but I

do find that doing ashtanga greatly improves the

experience of our homemade porter. Or is it the other way

around: does the porter improve the practice of ashtanga?

Anyway, they are both "full-bodied"

experiences!<br><br>;)<br>corny sunshine

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