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Chalkmine's article

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Hey Chalkmine, just curious: What publication are

you writing this for? <br><br>Did you learn Pilates

on your own, too, without a class by a certified

instructor? Have you given it up? Were you learning that for

an article, too?

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bandawoman --<br><br>For eight years I've

published GO INSIDE Magazine at <a href=http://goinside.com

target=new>http://goinside.com</a> where

we presently serve 2.5 million readers a month.

We're always looking for new ideas and new writers so

climb along if you're so inclined. You write your

passion and we publish it.<br><br>GO INSIDE is all

volunteer, no one makes a dime off the enterprise. We

publish a lot of new writers seeking first publication

credits as well as established writers seeking to write

what they wish and not what they must.<br><br>Among

many things, I write THE BOLD BODY section. You can go

there directly by hitting

<a href=http://goinside.com/health.html

target=new>http://goinside.com/health.html</a> and that's where the "novice"

Ashtanga review

will appear. <br><br>Yes, the Pilates review series is

all "self-taught" as well. When I finished the

reviews, I went into a Pilates Studio in Manhattan and

showed my stuff to fact check if my theory about book

and learnin' was valid in the real world -- I did

pretty well and didn't have many corrections. Your eyes

are the key and imitation is

paramount.<br><br>Instead of posting multiple reviews as I did with Wai

Lana and Stott Pilates, I'm going to have one gonzo

review with everything included. That makes it easier to

hotlink and find. Currently BBB, Swenson, Barefoot Yoga,

Peter Sterios' Black Mat and other goodies are skedded

to be reviewed. <br><br>If anyone here has any

Ashtanga specific products that they would like included

in the review, shoot me some mail at

publisher and we'll hoot from there.<br><br><br>If you need

more information, you can always hee-haw over to

<a href=http://boles.com target=new>http://boles.com</a> and root around there


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