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Hi,<br>Please also consider the videos that

David's teacher has made, SKP Jois. By learning from

David's videos, you are in effect learning 'Swensen style

ashtanga yoga.' For a good specific reference to Ashtanga

yoga in the correct method, look at SKP Jois' primary

and second series tapes, produced by Yoga Works,

Santa Monica. There is also a fabulous third series

tape showing Sharath practicing and it is called

Ashtanga Yoga, third series. It is produced by Gustavo

Ponce and can be purchased (I think) through his

website www.yogashala.cl<br><br>Just wanted to let you

know. Lino Miele's book and tape are thought to be

quite good as are Richard Freeman's. But Remember, all

of these people study with the same teacher - SKP

Jois. Go to the source always for verification.

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funkybadlady --<br><br>Excellent advice. I'll do

my best to acquire those items.<br><br>I exchanged

email today with Betty Lai (our group owner and

operator of ASHTANGA.COM) and she suggested I try to

review the "official" Ashtanga products found online

at:<br><br><a href=http://www.ashtanga.com/html/resources.html

target=new>http://www.ashtanga.com/html/resources.html</a><br><br>I will attempt

to include as much of those

resources as possible.<br><br>Best,<br><br>db

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chalkster,<br><br>i would agree that the yoga

works video is one of the best video resources out

there, especially if you liked the aspect of watching

different practioners go thru their practice. <br><br>in

the first series tape, guruji is leading an 'all

star' cast of chuck miller, eddie stern, maty ezraty,

tim miller, richard freeman and another woman whose

name i've forgotten (senior moment) thru the practice.

it is fascinating to see such skilled people doing

the practice, to observe their relative strengths and

how they do some things, like vinyasas, differently.

<br><br>the second series tape is similar but with a slightly

different cast. <br><br>they are definitely "must have"

resources. they also makes clear how guruji leads a class,

calling out the asanas and counting the vinyasas in

sanskrit.<br><br>if i had to pick one video for the new-to-ashtanga

student, it would be the yoga works primary series

video--hands down

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The Yoga Works videos are really good and you

might also have a look at some of the older workshop

tapes with Guruji from the Sewell Archives. These give

you the chance to see him working with students of

various levels and gives some idea of his great humour

and grace in working with the students.

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gorakshadevi --<br><br>I thank you for confirming

those choices. If you have any others, give a

holler!<br><br>I requested the Gurujii tapes from Yoga Works as

well as the Sewell Archive tapes.<br><br>In fact, to

be fair, I contacted every book, video and CD

reference on the ASHTANGA.COM website that Betty suggested

and offered them the opportunity to be included in

the review. <br><br>I've given all of them the

opening for inclusion and the final decision is theirs --

at least I'll know I made a good faith offer to get

them coverage and if they don't appear it is by their

choice and not mine.<br><br>We'll see if they honor my

review request!

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<Go to the source always for

verification.><br><br>The one reason I can not accept the above statement

is that Jois is not always going to be around. The

logical conclusion of the above statement and others like

it ("Jois is the only Ashtanga master") is that once

Jois leaves us, Ashtanga will die out and wither away.

I personally believe that Ashtanga is not Jois, and

there are many keepers of the flame, today, any one of

whom will do just as well as an Ashtanga master.

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<if i had to pick one video for the

new-to-ashtanga student, it would be the yoga works primary

series video--hands down ><br><br>I understand the

need for a new-to-ashtanga student to view a video

with an all star cast doing everything right. But what

about if a student can not do it right and needs an

easier way to do a pose, or if a student needs more

explanation. I would say, a new student needs the video

mentioned plus the one by David Swenson and if Swenson's is

not available, then get the one by Freeman.

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