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B3 does NOT teach ashtanga. She does not involve

herself with the ashtanga community in any way and has

not studied with Pattabhi Jois save a workshop IN

AMERICA twenty years ago. She is money and publicity

hungry. Pattabhi Jois is INDIFFERENT toward her and says

she is "only for the money." Please understand that

when we say 'Ashtanga Yoga" we are referring to


only means 'eight limbs' in sanskrit, and all yoga is

supposedly based on this, but what B3 teaches IS NOT the

yoga taught by SKP JOIS. You will also notice that she

is not listed on the official website as an ashtanga

teacher. Please, don't include her. She is just louder,

noisier and pushier than the other genuine ashtanga

teachers who are probably busy doing their own practice

rather than spreading their demon seed.<br><br>T.

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funkybadlady --<br><br>I can certainly feel your

frustration with B3, but I have a hard time accepting these

sorts of accusations and assertions in a forum like

this where people can say what they wish without

revealing their identity, history or on-the-record grudges

and experience.<br><br>I'm not speaking only to you,

funkybadlady (but your message is convenient and on-topic to

reply to), but usernames and anonymity here make stabs

at B3 (and others) easy and a bit unfair.<br><br>If

anyone would like to provide specific dates, times and

quotes on the B3 issue, or any other issue at hand,

please send email privately to publisher

and reveal your identity and stand behind your

positions with a name and contact information since that's

how it's done in the publishing world in which I

spin.<br><br>Facts... just the researchable... facts.

(SMILE!)<br><br>David Boles<br>Publisher, GO INSIDE Magazine<br>"We

Cover the Web of the World!"<br><a href=http://goinside.com


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Or just, nevermind. You will write what you want.

I don't understand why people continue to INSIST

that 'based on ashtanga' is equivalent to 'ashtanga'.

Why not recognize the huge difference between the

two. 'Based on the truth' and 'the truth' are very

different as well. 'Based on Latin' and 'Latin' are

different languages.<br>Also, she does not have a

consistent asana practice. You can tell by the pictures and

lack of pictures in her book.

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<when we say 'Ashtanga Yoga" we are referring


JOIS><br><br>So, when Jois leaves this earth, there won't be

anymore Ashtanga Yoga? That's the logical conclusion of

your statement. Do you really mean that? I don't share

your limited view of Ashtanga.

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<<So, when Jois leaves this earth, there

won't be anymore Ashtanga Yoga? That's the logical

conclusion of your statement.>><br><br>i would

interpret her statement a little differently. when sri jois

dies, there will be a large body of teachers who adhere

to his approach and system that will carry on

teaching ashtanga yoga as taught by pattabhi

jois.<br><br>there will also be plenty of others who will teach

variants of his system, just as jois, BKS iyengar,

desikachar and others teach variants of the yoga practice

they learned from their master. i have no problem with

that. there is not one way, in my opinion. but, if they

choose to modify his system, they should have the

respect to distinguish it from his system.<br><br>i have

never met or taken any classes from ms birch. i have

read and used her book a fair amount. even given that

minimal exposure, i never had any difficulty in making

the distinction between what she teaches and what KPJ

teaches. i understand them to be similar but different.

but, not everyone who is exposed to the various forms

of "power yoga" will be able to make that

distiction. there are a lot of "power yoga" classes out there

that have nothing at all to do with yoga, much less

ashtanga yoga. that is my concern, that use of the term of

power yoga as an synonym for the ashtanga yoga as

taught by pattabhi jois will lead some to miss the

benfits of ashtanga all together--sort of a bait and

switch con.<br><br>maybe it's all much ado about

nothing. in the end, we are all responsible for our own

happiness, our own successes and failures. someone else can

pick up the torch on this topic. it's a subject that

will lead to about as much agreement as our recent

ahimsa and abortion 'discussion'.<br><br>in response to

a different post by a different author:<br>in

regards to mr chalkmine's concern that some of us are

hiding behind our screen names and don't have the

fortitude to opine without posting on line our true

identities, not every one here is criticizing ms birch. not

every one is getting free books and tapes either. if

someone like chalkie feels comfortable enough on line to

disseminate personal info, great. but please, don't try and

come off as holier than thou. not every one trusts

that revealing personal information is safe, or

needed. if mr chalkman wants names and dates, etc, i

would refer him to the high keeper of the list. i'm

sure he would be more than happy to fill him in

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Dude...you're writing the article...go do you own

research if you can't believe what you read here. I find

it hard to believe you're using this club as a

primary source of info...<br><br>What good does a name do

attached to these posts? Many of us understand the value

of anonymity when posting to these newsgroups;

anyway, this is neither here nor there to the issue of

BBB's claims...<br><br>You have the pertinent info on

BBB right on the web.<br><br>Go to her website --

you'll see that she DOES claim to be one of the foremost

teachers of *Astanga* yoga in the tradition of PKJ

Jois.<br><br>Get a copy of her book -- read what she has to about

studying with Jois.<br><br>Now...try to find any citation

by Jois that credits BBB as an Astanga teacher. You

simply won't be able to find anything, certainly not her

name on the list (it's right her on this club) of

authorized by Jois astanga teachers.<br><br>You also have

the name and addresses of the major astanga teachers

-- if I were in your shoes, trying to conduct legit

research, I'd contact THEM to get their opinion on BBB. Or

call the Man in Mysore even. I wouldn't rely on a


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