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wild russian yogis

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if you haven't checked out the photo section in a

while, ezh108 posted about 15 really nice photos of

russian yogis en posture, a lot of them in natural

settings, ala swenson. i particularly like the urdhva

vrishcikasana shot with the guy wearing sunglasses, a portable

cd and headphones in posture on a beach of rocks.

strong motivation not to face plant

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  • 9 months later...

I like the link to the website of Anatoliy

Zenchenko, a yoga teacher based in Kiev/Ukraine, that I

found in the 'teachers' section of the yogagoa.com

site:<br><br><a href=http://yoga.kiev.ua/ target=new>http://yoga.kiev.ua/</a>

..<br><br>Apparently Zenchenko is a student of one

of the best-known exponents of 'wild Russian yoga',

A. Sidersky ('Sid'). It's not Astanga Yoga, but the

pictures in his photogallery are impressive nonetheless.

Gosh, this dude is flexible. Clearly his bones must be

made of chewing gum - or does he have any bones at


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I'm glad Senor has got us laughing again.

Speaking of flexible...today I watched the 2nd series

being practiced after I finished the 6 a.m. and there

was a woman who touched her feet with her head when

Sharath proded her in paschimattanasana!!!! And some of

those backbends were beyond what i thought was

possible! <br><br>I think Lino Miele is here, not

practicing with us in the morn, watching. I could be

wrong...I have only seen his videos.

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He's coming to Penzance, Cornwall, in mid-October

to do a workshop, and I'll meet him then - and let

you know whether he is indeed human!<br>He's

currently in Buenos Aires at the Olympic Yoga World Cup.

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"I watched the 2nd series being practiced after I

finished the 6 a.m. and there was a woman who touched her

feet with her head when Sharath proded her in

paschimattanasana!!!!"<br><br>???<br><br>You yogi photogs.... *this* is the kind

of thing to

take pics of! The full rooms are nice, but we have

enough of that.

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<<"I watched the 2nd series being practiced

after I finished the 6 a.m. and there was a woman who

touched her feet with her head when Sharath proded her in

paschimattanasana!!!!"<br><br>???<br><br>You yogi photogs.... *this* is the kind

of thing to

take pics of! The full rooms are nice, but we have

enough of that.>><br><br>But... *that's* the

regular everyday stuff...

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[feet to head paschimotasana]<br>maybe you find


here<br><a href=http://members.fortunecity.com/limbermen/

target=new>http://members.fortunecity.com/limbermen/</a><br>There is one of a

Zen master

<a href=http://members.fortunecity.com/limbermen/martial-arts/

target=new>http://members.fortunecity.com/limbermen/martial-arts/</a> (bottom of


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