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fear and trust

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dear yeshe<br><br>i was glad to see this last

post by malsag - he obviously speaks from experience.

I have received many yoga "injuries" and I have

always found that the best remedy is a combination of

faith and the help of a healer.<br><br>my own personal

worst experience was with KP Jois during my first trip

to Mysore when my left knee popped in Marychiasana

D. It was so painful that i could not do the pose by

myself but had to let guruji put me into it himself.

"breathe, Trust, Relax" he would say - after 10 days i

could do it by myself again and since that time the

misalignment of my left hip has been corrected and my knee

never gives me trouble - guruji is a true healer. But

as with any process like this you need

faith.<br><br>i have taught people with conditions like yours and

I have always found that the help of a gifted body

worker really helps the process. a major part of the

process is relieving the muscular anxiety which surrounds

an injury in conjunction with help with the

reajustment of the skeletal structure.<br><br>From what I

have seen, most physical thereapists do not understand

yoga and how it works. they tend to see the human

being as a mechanism and are not particularly

effective.<br><br>Probably a good chiropractor or osteopath with an

understanding of yoga is the best help you can get in

conjunction with a good yoga teacher. The best way to go is

by referral - and dont forget, if you are concerned

about spending money, what it would be worth to you to

be fully fit again.

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I hope you get well soon - and that you can

actually benefit in your whole being through healing

yourself. Following are a few ideas and experiences with

healing.<br><br>Sometimes when feeling stuck with a problem or a situation

one can’t solve oneself and doesn’t feel ready to

deal with - it is good to change ones perspectives

drastically: A change in location - i.e. travelling helps to

shake loose those conditionings and patterns that block

the natural wisdom of one’s continuum. One is forced

to constantly "refresh" one’s outlooks and the freed

flow of events allows intuition to appear.<br><br>I

have a friend who was cured from a chronic neck

problem ( I believe a slipped disc), when he swam with a

spinner dolphin, who "accoustically treated" him.

Dolphins can send up to one horse power of sound energy

with their sonar through water; they commonly use this

ability to stunn fish before eating them. They can direct

and tune this accoustical wave with tremendous

precision. In addition they "see" (and navigate) with their

sonar, which penetrates through solid objects: When they

look at a person they can see the blood pumping, the

intestines moving etc. - all with great precision<br><br>I

was cured from a chronic ear-problem once when I swam

with a group of dolphins on the Island of Oahu

(Hawaii). Ten or so dolphins swam towards me in a "V" shape

and hit me with a deep clicking sound in my kidney

area (this felt like sitting on a big loudspeaker that

plays a bassdrum kick). After this my hearing recovered

immediately; I had tried over a dozen diffrent therapies over

the month before this experience - without any

lasting benefits. I studied acupuncture at the time and

therefore I knew that the kidney meridian opens to the ear

(the six yin organ meridians open to the sense

organs). <br><br>My guess is that some dolphins have the

capability to "see" qi imbalances in the meridians and that

they can set their sonar like an accoustic acupuncture

needle with precision in positions of the meridians that

are blocked, - even positions on

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