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Ladoc, dude,

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You are focussed on all the wrong stuff. Who the

hell cares how many damn poses you get to do. This

ain't the olympics, bro. Chill. There is no special

level. I've seen people go there that have never done

yoga ever and who are embraced by the guru and

experience great things. I've also saw a famous teacher from

yoga works with a very gymnastic practice arrive ready

to strut her stuff and show the world how great she

was...Well, she hated it, injured herself and was totally

frustrated that she was not allowed to do her more advanced

practice. Quite funny really.<br><br>My prescription to you

doc, is to take a big bong hit and not worry about

your bulging mulabandha, and tight hips and

shoulders.<br><br>Dude, and where do you come off saying that the guru

will "send a student upstairs to<br> do the finishing

sequence at the first "bad" pose rather than let him

continue on to complete a series. "<br><br>Of course the

guru stops you when you can not co a posture. This is

the correct method. If you had a teacher that did the

same, you wouldn't be struggling with tight hips and

tight shoulders and an overwrought mulabhanda. Don't

you get it? It doesn't matter how many postures you

can do. You never "complete" a series.....Too much

exposure to criminality, western doc-think, or

whatever...You really should get yourself a prescription for a

chill pill.<br><br>Who is your teacher and where are

you practicing cuzz bro' you might be going through

the motions of somehting but it isn't ashtanga. Get

your doctor ass to Mysore and see what it's all

about.<br><br>Tought love from<br><br>El Senor Pinche Wey<br><br>P.s.

I have always liked that you didn't freak when I

called you "Mengeledoc" when you were presribing

ibuprofen to the other stiffies.<br><br>Later,

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"....take a big bong hit"<br><br>and why

not?<br><br>I was surprised that this advice should come from

El Senor. I thought you might have frowned upon the

use of weed. I must admit I enjoy a good puff of some

good quality skunk, I never use tobacco to roll up

though. I don't beleive that this harms my practice and

feel no need to give up at this present

moment.<br><br>One thing though, I never smoke before practice as it

tends to make my mind race which doesn't help the

concentration.<br><br>I'm sure there are plenty of other astanga tokers out


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I too was surprised by this message, but more by

the language. It was is if Pinchy was taken over

by... Bart Simpson! Chill out? Dude? Take a big bong

hit? Has our Senor been spending quality time with

skateboardering teenagers?

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i think the impact of joe c's demise has severely upset his equilibrium.

perhaps little snippets of his various beings are beginning to infiltrate his

flinty stage persona--next, his inner child?

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<<I'm sure there are plenty of other

astanga tokers out there.>><br><br>funny, I thought

all smokers stayed up late watching Beavis and

Butthead, munching on Cheetos, and wondering what the hell

that bug on the wall must be thinking and whether or

not it could communicate with your cat.<br><br>You've

just turned my world upside-down.<br><br>sunshine

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You are surprised that SPW recommends bong hits;

I am surprised that he admits to being a maricon.

This from el hombre mas macho who puts down David Life

because he practices in a dress. But we knew he protested

too much, didn't we?

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