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Greetings - another long time lingerer

(malingerer?) in this chatroom(and another London gyal) in the

chatroom. Been following the conversational ebb & flow for

a while but new to this posting lark. <br><br>I'm

trying trying trying to build up a regular 5/6 day a

week practice, which means at home most mornings. This

seems to be working out and I'm feeling deep benefits

from this regularity. Only thing is, I seem to have

diffculty sustaining the same intensity on my own that I

find keeps me sailing through Mysore sessions in a

group. As a result I don't seem to build up as much

heat, even though I'm probably concentrating more on my

bandhas than in a class situation (or it seems that way).

I'm certainly not producing much sweat even though

I'm in a warm room, whereas in a class I'm usually

pretty sweaty by halfway through Primary, if not by the

end of suryanamakar Bs. Bit confused by this one. Any

suggestions?<br><br>BTW, fellow Londoners, now that the awesome Jennifer

and Sabel have gone to Mysore til March-ish, anyone

know of good Mysore-style classes to tide me over the

winter? Ayyone practised with Hamish Hendy or Gingi


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Hi dowdacious<br><br>I've been learning ashtanga

with Gingi at the Sangam studio in Clapham junction

for about two years. Liz Lark is also teaching there

although I believe that she is away for december.

<br><br>I have always found both of them to be great

teachers. Liz is a bit more gentle wheras Gingi works you a

bit harder. I would highly recommend them

both.<br><br>The studio is closed over the Xmas holidays, if you

need anymore info I can get it for you.<br><br>Cheers


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Wotcher luv. Both Gingi and Hamish are fabulous

and come highly reccommended. <br><br>I started with

Hamish about a month ago, but have sadly had to stop for

a couple of weeks bcos of illness (it's not so much

that I've got the painters in, more like the builders,

electricians, landscape gardeners and a few interior designers

as well) . But he's a lovely, lovely man and a

gentle yet mega-inspiring teacher. <br><br>And he's mad-

gets up at three am to do his own practise. That's

about going to bed time really, innit?

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