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Hey swan...<br><br>I happen to be coming to the

SD area for a few days after the new year and was

hoping to find a good astanga class...any

recommendations? We will be staying in La Jolla, but will be doing

day trips wherever, you know. I am somewhat of a new

student, but am very athletic and have taken to astanga

very well. What's the best class in town to either

take or observe? Any tips would be greatly

appreciated! Thanks...Sandy

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two excellent options:<br>1)tim miller's Ashtanga

Yoga Center in Encinitas, approx 20 min N of La Jolla

(assuming you're not driving during rush hour)<br>2)Anne

Nowell's Ashtanga Yoga Center, Uptown in Hillcrest which

is closer to the down town area. As far as i know,

Anne's web site is not up yet.<br><br>a link to Tim's

class sched is:

<a href=http://www.ashtangayogacenter.com/sched.html

target=new>http://www.ashtangayogacenter.com/sched.html</a><br>check his

workshop sched to make sure he is in town

when you are here. the classes will go on regardless

but he is a lot of fun to learn from.<br><br>i'll try

to find anne's phone number and post it. most of her

classes are evening led classes. she does have some

morning and some mysore classes too. <br><br>the last

options are the frog's health clubs in encinitas, solana

beach and mission valley. you can check the schedule of

each one thru the following

links:<br><a href=http://www.clubone.com/solanage.html





target=new>http://www.clubone.com/enc.html.</a><br><br>drop me a line when

you're in town. okrgr.

i think there's a few other folks on line here who

may be in the area at the same time

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Hey --<br><br>The teacher directory at

<a href=http://www.ashtanga.com/ target=new>http://www.ashtanga.com/</a> lists

2:<br>Manju Jois (son of Sri K. Pattabhi

Jois) and Tim Miller, whose site is at

<a href=http://www.ashtangayogacenter.com/.

target=new>http://www.ashtangayogacenter.com/.</a> These are both in the north

coastal area of San

Diego County, about a half hour north of where I'm at

(Clairemont, which is right next to La Jolla), depending on

traffic. Of these 2, I've only been to Tim Miller's and

the only particular class I've gone to so far is the

Monday night 5:30 Intro to Ashtanga class. It's great. I

always left those classes feeling wonderful.

<br><br>I've seen a few other posters/members here who are in

the San Diego area, I wonder if anyone has gone to

both of these teachers, has comments on any

differences in the classes. <br><br>Your profile says you're

in Cleveland -- my husband's from Cleveland (Rocky

River); I'm from Buffalo NY myself, have been here in SD

since '83. What with the weather y'all have been having

up there, and when you find out what a hotbed of

yoga activity San Diego is, you'll be wanting to

relocate... :)<br><br>Edie

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Hey guys...THANK YOU both so much! So, is Manju

living and teaching in SD area? Is that what I got out

of your message? It would be great to do a class of

both - Tim Miller, too. I am actually a native

Californian, only relocating to Cleveland area 6 years ago! I

used to travel to SD all the time on business, but it

has been a while. I'm trying to talk my

Cleveland-native hubby to retire there! It's not a difficult

argument. I'm coming to the area Jan 1-5, and will

definitely look for their classes. Would be fun to meet the

SD contingent on this list for coffee or

something...or perhaps a margarita?!

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i have read here that manju spends part of the

year here and the rest in NY teaching the high muckety

mucks. i don't know how to find out when and where he'll

be. maybe call him in nyc. perhaps takeitup2000 can

give more accurate info. what days are you planning on

being here? i've still got some of this demon red stuff

i've got to unbottle so i'm always looking for

interested ingesters

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Manju spends part of the year teaching in NYC at

Eddie Stern's studio, part of the year in Philadelphia

teaching at Dee Silver's studio (YogaSport) and the rest

of the year traveling. To the best of my knowledge,

he no longer teaches in


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Without question you need to visit Tim Miller's

studio, you can down load a schedule at his site someone

listed already. I practice with Tim regularly, he is a

kick, very funny to practice with. I am interested in

Cleveland however, my mohter lives there and I may be

spending some time there with my children this summer. Is

there ashtanga there?

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Thanks, all, for your SD tips and links. I think

I will do Tim Miller's class at some point during

our stay... Would be fun to do a group get-together

at some point, we will be there Jan 1-5 - somebody

local must plan it though - I'm not sure of the turf!

Looking forward to it, though...Sandy

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John (Okrgr1) - what do you think about a get

together at the Roxy or Thai Basil restaurants after Tim's

1st series class Wednesday eve Jan 3? They are just

around the corner and across the street and very laid

back, good food, low prices...

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Sounds good to me...Jan 3, although, tell me if I

am getting in over my head going to Tim's "level 3",

first series class? I have only been doing astanga yoga

for a little while, but am very athletic...promise

you all won't laugh, only rolling your eyes, OK? Will

have the hubby and two cute kids in tow also, ages 3

and 1 - yogitas - my 3 year old loves the YogaKids

video - he does a mean lion pose! ...Sandy

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getting in over your head? i doubt it. that class

is just the full first series. on occasion, he will

even slack off on us and let us skip a rep or so of

navasana or rarely, not vinyasa between legs on the janu's

etc. the level one and two classes are intro and

workshop type classes in which some of the more

challenging postures are left out. so be your own judge.

there's plenty of us struggling with postures in the 1st

series class, believe me. if you get to a point where

you need to stop or can't do something, just go into

child's pose. you'll likely get a visit to make sure

things are ok and to encourage you but no spankings are

ever administered (sorry sun). does your hubby

practice as well? golfers? if so, bring your sticks.

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