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Hippies v Yuppies

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I have to take issue with this writer. Your

characterization of new age music with hippies is erroneous. New

age music (or "yuppie wallpaper," as my composition

teacher described it) is associated with yuppies, not

hippies. Hippie music of the '60's is rock and roll. You

are two generations off and stylistically confused.

<br><br>If you are a young person, as I suspect, the remark

you made is indicative of an intergenerational

conflict which is really counterproductive. Did it ever

occur to you there there might be genuine hippies on

this list, and that your remark is insulting and

hurtful? Does this kind of exchange really have a place

within the yoga discipline? I don't think so. My

recommendation: read what you write before hitting the send

button.<br><br>Connie<br><a href=http://www.geocities.com/conniesunday/


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Now who has the generational problem

here?<br><br>All I know is pan flutes & "new age" music is

annoying.<br><br>But then, like blondie, Garage music really gets my

groove on. Search UK Garage on Napster you are looking

for stylistic confusion!

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Dear Connie:<br>If you found Blondie's posting

objectionable, you may not know what you are into here. This is

a diverse bunch, generally highly intelligent, and

certainly not afraid to speak their minds and express their

opinions freely. <br>I might suggest you try to do some

back reading on this message board to get some idea of

this community. But fasten your seatbelt; you're in

for a bumpy ride.<br>With respect and humor, B

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whoa, be cool, man. <br><br>"it's all mind over

matter: those who matter don't mind, and those who mind

don't matter."<br><br>anyway, aren't many yuppies

ex-hippies?<br><br>they're all kooky.<br><br>peace out

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Hey all...<br><br>New to this group, but love it

so far...I have an open mind and respect all. Since

I get that you all are an intelligent and diverse

group, (and many of us may be true flower children of

the 60's - I mean, the hippies weren't children, they

were young adults!), I thought you might have an

interest in checking out this web site and concept. Off

the topic of yoga, but have you all heard of

Generation Jones? The lost generation of those of us born

between the boomers and the X'ers, birth years'

1954-1965. The founder/author is my brother-in-law, and he

is a true flower child! He also spent many years in

India, and does do a little yoga! Anyway, hope I am not

speaking out of place here, just thought some of you would

find his site and his work

fascinating...www.generationjones.com Sandy

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