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shoulda seen the one that got away

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well, mister pinche wey, i had an interesting

class tonight. our teacher introduced a guest who was

here from another part of the state. he was going to

help out in adjusting during the practice.<br>

<br>now, today i was not in full form. given my highly

efficient yogic processing of food, the mid day mexican

repast was already in position to--how to put this

delicately?--fly.<br><br>there i was in down dog, debating the options: try and

sneak out an SBD undetected or get up and waddle to the

toity. while i'm pondering, who should appear directly

behind me and kneel down to adjust my heels? The Josh!!!

he of the alleged cell phone during savasana caper

of '98! <br><br>alarm bells rang throughout my

system. all i could think of was, "what would el senor do

here?" i felt like the u-boat captain looking thru the

periscope at the helpless and doomed lusitania. i held this

man's future in my, in my... well, i held his future,

lets leave it at that. one little muscle relaxation

and josh would die a horrible, painful death by

lethal ingestion of flatus. i would likely become an

honored operative.<br> <br>suddenly, i heard a voice in

my head: "i am the angel Ahimsa" it said. "this man

has done you no harm. he is trying to help you. show

him the same respect"<br><br>i knew i could do no

harm. i moola'd down with my bad self and held that

bandha for the rest of the class--best garba pindasana

i've done to date. and josh lives to adjust another

day.<br><br>sorry, senor, i just didn't have it in me to let it out

of me. i'm sure that, given the same situation, you

would have responded in like fashion.

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Damn boy, your posting was even funnier. I'll

have to make that two large wines. <br><br>But

remember that old, old song: "fart and the world farts

with you, pinch and you pinch alone."<br><br>Wise

words my friend. <br><br>(Actually, I don't know who

I'm kidding about the two wines... it's serioooouuus

party season in London's meeja hore industry. Do you

Yanks and Canadians go for broke at this time of year?



interviewd jon Bon Jovi last week and he very pointedly said

it could only make you question the whole democratic

process - he was visibly concerned about the fate of


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Forgive my soapbox, but ... I am so tired of

people like Bon Jovi questioning the fate of America

just because their guy did not win. Such an

unintelligent, unsophisticated, and unknowledgeable view of the

situation. My guy did not win either, but America is just

fine. We did not have bloody rioting in the streets. We

did not have a military coup. The guys fought it out

in court and now we have a winner and 50% of the

populace think justice was done and 50% think justice was

not done. What about rising above it all and taking a

more global viewpoint? The democratic process is not

about getting your guy in as apparently Bon Jovi must

think. Give me a break. If anybody is at fault in this

election its not the courts, but it is the Florida

legislature for not having enacted a set of laws that allow

for an accurate counting of the votes. And I am sure

the same problems exist in most all the states. OK. I

am done.

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but please let's not even get into this. It's a

sad situation and it's been talked about enough. It's

not that 50% of the people are sad "their man" didn't

get in, it's that a living puppet with straw for

brains is running a country with his daddy's cavalry

pulling the strings.

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Hey Sunshine, doesn't it seem like W had a hard time keeping his tongue in his

mouth last night, or was it just me?<br>I like the image: President Scarecrow.

"If I only had a brain."

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At least he had three teleprompters so he could

turn his head a bit, make it look more realistic. Boy

I'd never seen him so nervous. I think it finally hit

him (and the rest of us). Did you notice that Dem who

introduced him? Looked like he might have had a gun pressed

to his back while he spoke. "That's right....say

'excellent record in Texas' now...that's right, we'll leave

your wife and kids alone when you're

done..."<br><br>on the contrary, Al's speech was great.

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Sun and bandawoman,<br><br>I thought the two of

em shoulda duked it out in a Primary series class,

but then again, that would have not been a pretty

sight (sorry for that visual), and I don't think I

would have liked the results, then again, I don't like

them now.... Sandy

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If the tables were turned and Gore was in, there

would still be people questioning the democratic

process and the fate of America. Which proves my point.

Everyone is looking at it through the prism of their own

bias. I say lets be more intelligent/aware than that.

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And you don't think Gore has some powerfull

corporate cavalry pulling his strings? And Gore doesn't

have straw for brains, no, he has straw for being

truthfull. Its all the same, both sides. Please, lets be

more aware/intelligent about all this.

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Yes, let's be more aware and intelligent.

Politicians lie and sell out, because people lie and sell

out. The USA is where it's at because of powerful

corporate cavalry. A person in power can use corporate

cavalries to get things done, positive things. Also let's

be realistic. We need to learn to accept that many

people don't mind corporations. Lots of people earn

money through wise investments because of these

corporations. Money is not evil. We're not going to magically

be transported to a non-materialistic, non-lying

la-la land. It wouldn't have happened if Nader won

(laugh). <br><br>But you're right about people questioning

the process either way--that's part of my

point.<br><br>P.S. If you are referring to the most popular Gorism

(the internet quote taken out of context): Gore DID

champion the internet. He was using it a long time before

most of us knew what it was, and pushed through

legislation that paved the way for its use by the populace.

Check out www.gore-in-context.com

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