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hamstring - to stretch or not

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belated thanks to those who gave advice &

encouragement for my self practice at home queries. It's all

ground to a halt a bit tho' because I've pulled a

hamstring - bugger!! Went to an osteopath as I wasn't sure

what I'd done - he told me not to attempt to stretch

the muscle for at least a week! Other sporty types

have told me it's best to stretch it a little


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I have been dealing with a hamstring injury since

the workshop in August with Jois. The room was very

cold ant 7 in the morning and I think that was one of

the main instigators. I know always practice right

next to the heater. I have been seeing a chiropractor/

kinesiologis (see previous postings) for about 6 weeks and am

now able to get my nose to my knee in

paschiomottanasana again. However it comes and goes , some days are

really tight but never as bad and painful as befor e the

chiropractor. I couldn't even sit down before without pain.

Don't know what to tell you about the stretching, I too

have gotten mixed reviews. Tim Miller showed me

variations on paschimottanasan and supta padangusthasana

that also help when it is acting up. Instead of

leaning so far forward try pressing with your heal out

and giving your hamstring some resistance. Good Luck

but I do recommend professional help.

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hello<br><br>i too have this problem with my

hamstring. i have found that what has really helped has been

iyenger restorative practice. for example do your sitting

poses but instead of trying to get your abdomen along

the leg, take a bolster and place it over your leg.

rest your head on the bolster, relax and try to

breathe into the pain rather than tighten your mind

against it. my teacher told me this helps to soften the

tissue around the injured muscle. hold the pose for

about 2-3 mins each side. i cut back on my ashtanga

practice, doing this practice instead and my hamstring now

seems to be improving rather than getting worse. if i

do do ashtanga practice i do do unbalanced practice

as you mention, just going into the pose as far as i

can without pushing too much on my sore side. my

teacher also said whatever you do dont stop practicing as

resting wont make it better. gentle practice is

best.<br><br>hope this helps you as much as it helped

me!<br><br>good luck

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