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gave the near by chat room a go the other night

with sun and sue yogageek. i hadn't ever 'chatted'

before so i came away a little dazed and

confused.<br>good things about chat: <br>a. you learn quickly

how to become more efficient in your messaging.

people like me who write in run on sentances and

paragraphs will have to adapt. brevity is next to

godliness<br><br>b. you will probably learn how to touch type if you

don't already know. i'm a hunt and peck-er (you know

what i mean lou lou). slooow. too slow. i had to keep

looking up to see where the conversation was going and as

a result kept making more mistakes, causing me to

have to look down and retype etc. vicious cycle. i

couldn't compete.<br><br>c. you will meet lots of new

friends, even if you don't want to. was nice enough

to allow these real friendly sounding gals to send

pop up messages inviting me (and sun too) to join

them at their web site and, for the low, low cost of

$7.95/hr., view pictures of them as they writhed around

while swathed in various bodily emissions. such a

deal<br><br>4. you can actually talk to the people you have been

anonymously sending messages to for the last few months. if

you have a microphone, and are intelligent enough,

tolerant enough and persistant enough to download and

install all the various chat, messenger and various other

software, you can actually find out what el senor, missy

pinky, homer, loulou or any of the other wacky

characters you've been wondering about for the last few

months sound like. course they may not want you to know

what they sound like so they may not use that feature.

havent't had a chance to try this one yet, we'll have to

see<br><br>5. you will learn some empathy for the

schizophrenics of the world. trying to follow more than 3

conversation threads at one time is a little discombobulating.

takes some practice i guess, or helps to have lots of

kids at home, then you should have this one

down.<br><br>6. there is a whole set of new behavior rules to

follow. i violated one within minutes of going into the

chat room. i was trying to set up the

microphone/messenger thing and got so fed up with my incompetance that

i just left for 30 minutes or so. when i came back,

one or two people had also logged in and tried to

have conversations with me. "hello?are you here?"

messages were in message log followed by "so and so has

now left the chat room." i'm sure they thought i was

this snooty prig who thought he was too good to talk

with them. I'm not, it was a mistake, honest. sorry if

anyone here is one of those who was nice enough to try

and talk. i just wasn't there. <br><br>we'll have to

give it another run soon and see how it goes

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