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Senor, you have my sympathy

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How sorry I am for you, and how confused you must

be in your heart. <br><br>Why would you say such a

thing to Blondeismorefun?<br><br>I don't understand how

an 'enlightened' person on any path of rightousness

could concieve of, then actually put time and effort

into, conveying an idea so utterly mean and ignorant

(in the true sense of the word ignorant) for any

reason.<br><br><br>And since you are, after all, a Senor (unless I am

mistaken), I wonder how much you could possibly know about

what involves mothering a child in the

womb.<br><br>Your words are a "bogus miscarriage" of honest

spirituality and simple human respect.<br><br>Fishy, you say?

I could swear I smell rot emanating from these evil

words that escape from your confused and delusional

mind.<br><br>I will pray for you tonite, and every

night,<br><br>"Mature in Yoga, impartial<br>everywhere that he

looks,<br>he sees himself in all beings<br>and all beings in

himself." [6.29-32]<br> Bhagavad Gita<br>


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Lilly,<br>Although it is clear the SPW's post was

mean and you are upset by it, I suggest that you

practice indifference rather than trying to hurt SPW back

by telling him you will offer "prayers" and

"namaste." Such prayers are really only useful when offered

silently. What is the point of using peace and prayer as a

weapon? Why, if you really think he needs prayers, do you

feel you have to announce it to him - what is your

point? I am only asking because it is an arrogant and

condescending action and probably does not reflect your true

nature. Do not allow such negativity to effect you so.

Making such threats using your assumed spirituality only

seems patronizing, even though the target of your

threats appears to you in need of what you have offered.

Patronizing people does not help them change and stop abusing

others. Indifference and compassion does. Step back, give

space and let the shite drop to the ground where it

belongs, and say a prayer if you need to, but you don't

get any points for announcing it.<br><br>Funky T.

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<<Patronizing people does not help them

change and stop abusing others. Indifference and

compassion does. >><br><br>indifference helps, huh.

maybe that was what old neville chamberlin was trying

to do back then

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John, please, the analogy is malapropos and moot.

I still can't figure out what you would like people

to do. E-mail Betty Lai? E-mail El Senor? E-mail

Loulou? Then what? SPAM the Senor Pinche Wey inbox with

hostile hatemail? Publicly declare holy war with a human

facade? Chide and deride and play

victim?<br><br>Indifference is appropriate when dealing with someone who has

created a virtual ashtangabeast whose sole purpose IS to

inflame, goad, mock, madden, and offend. The booby trap is

reacting. Shockers shock because of and when they have a

captive audience, so let's just turn off the TV and let

the ratings drop.<br><br>Or, at least, change the


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At the risk of starting a third world war here on

this board, there are a few things I would like to

address.<br><br><Patronizing people does not help them change and stop


others. Indifference and compassion

does...><br><br>Really?<br>Is there never a time when one MUST take

action?<br>Or is it that we should continue to be indifferent

and compassionate to those who would keep us opressed

by their ignorant and violent

behavior?<br><br>Should Rosa Parks have been indifferent and

compassionate towards the bus driver,?<br>Should the world have

been indifferent and compassionate towards

Hitler?<br><br>I am aware these analogies are extreme, but I mean,

really.<br>I think the time for indifference and compassion

<ONLY> is over, after such a horrible post <speaking

of SPW's post><br><br>If someone is busily

attacking someone I care about (verbally or physically)

shall I stand there and do nothing, knowing that god

(or the powers that be, whatever term you use) will

stop this person from continuing his attack?<br>Hell

NO!<br>First I will stop them from attacking, and only then

can we cover more godly things,<br><br><br><br>2

Funky T...Hmmmm, not to be bitchy or anything although

I must admit I am a bit offended and peeved.

Wouldn't your attempt to foil my efforts and insult my

'spirituality', call me arrogant and condescending, accuse me of

trying to get points for telling SPW I will say a prayer

<BTW, points from who, exactly?> etc. be a violation

of this idea of <Indifferent and

compassionate...>?<br><br>Just curious.<br><br>Hope I haven't terribly


too many people,<br><br>Namste<br><br>Lilly

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"Hope I haven't terribly angered too many

people"<br><br>Hey don't worry about that. Take a stand. Some of

these weaklings are worth putting into their place.

<br>Say yes to living. Shake these capitalist woosies up

in their boots.

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Can you imagine what it must be like to be spw? I

can and I thank "something" that I can't do it for an

extended period of time. Chill out spw and "take a bong

hit" and cut people as much slack as they cut you.

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Lilly,<br>That's exactly my point - just say what

you mean. As you have seen, even when you try to be

nice, nice, nice, you're gonna piss someone off

somehow. I think it's just fine to be PISSED OFF about the

stupid, mean post. No namaste's from me on that one

there. And you would see if you ever met me or knew me,

I am one of the nicest people around. It's true.

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