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What's it all about anyway

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What is yoga for? Heirarchy and blaming each

other - okgrl, sundamike, spw and others - whats yoga

about? Comunication with each other about differences?

Sometimes its necessary. Oh blame it on your free country

and freedom of speech .<br>What you are practicing in

your posts is Indian thinking. Very Indian. Indian

minds are Contractive. Not expansive. Indian minds hold

back "information" refusing to share it. North

Americans try to affect change in everyone and in sharing

information about ancient paths exploit each other in the

sharing. North Americans blast information around and

think the individual is king. North Americans think

they are so noble - free and proud. You're not when it

comes to yoga talk. You are correct in being expansive

when it comes to yoga method and yoga informatioon

about philosophy technique and style. Something most

Indians won't do a lot of - until youu are ready. But

that stuff about technique and style is worth bandying

about in discussions. Sharing correct yoga methods is

good. That part is expansive and good expansion.

<br>But,most Americans don't know jack when it comes to

sharing. Get over yourself. I don't want your values. Are

ya strung out???? Ask yourselves - do you really

know about sharing stuff????<br>Or do you know more

about how to fit into cliques????<br>'cause I will tell

you one thing thats wise.<br>Most on this chat room

don't know jack about REAL SHARING - and whats that

anyway?? Its the ability to develop your listening or

reading skills to pull out the essence of the thread and

then treat the cancer on the inside - if the cancer of

judgement is there - then stop reacting! Whats your shit

all about. Yoga. Yoga talk. Who are you pleasing.

Someone in your own clique.?! Your judgement won't let

you accept yourself. You will always be a typical

North American Reactive type!<br>Unless you are really

attached to responding here, Think about it. Thats all I


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I would have to agree with you here...i had alot

of support with my addictions...which I have been

dealing with..Yoga has definitely encourage me,,,but not

sustained me here on this site..after reading alot of

literature...my two bits is....that Ashtang yogo works...but lose

the loosers who think that they know all and are ALL

All!!!!!!!! So many people are helpful here, but quite a few

who are, typically, more VOCAL...seem to think that

they and their opinions are the end all to end

all!!!!!!!!!!!!! To bad,,,because if they truly read into the

philosphoy behind Ashtanga they would truly realise that



ASHTANGA YOGA BASED!!!<br><br>Sincereyly,<br>Me

Rhonda...very much Sober thanks to many on this site...

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Dear Rhojo,<br>What you will see if you stay

sober and become a recovering addict and not just a dry

one, is that an unwillingness to accept reality and

life-on-life's-terms is one of the symptoms of an addict. Drugs and

alchohol, food addiction and unhealthy relationships are

just symptoms of underlying emotional causes. These

causes don't just go away because a person gets clean.

It takes a lot of time. Judging the judgers puts you

in the same room they are in. These 'loosers' you

are talking about do yoga that is just as valid as

yours. There is not a single problem in the world that

can't be improved by your own behaviour. These people

and their opinions are things that you cannot change

and I don't understand why or how the "loosers" hurt

your sobriety. <br><br>FBL

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FBL,<br><br>Could you personally email me...I

would love to have your support...Still sober...gone

through a absolutely WEIRD,,,SHITTY Christmas... my email

address is rhelina<br><br><br>Sincerely


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