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Blondie Brouhaha/Ashtanga lynch mob

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El Senor Pinche Wey want to thank all of you that

have sent me private emails in support of my frank

message to Blondie regarding her toxic lifestyle that

resulted in her terrible tragedy and resulting disturbed

mental state.<br><br>I must agree with the writer who

said to me "perhaps this sad event in her life will

cause her to seek the help that she so desperately

needs".<br><br>Indeed, it is clear to any that follow the saga on this

message board that Blondie is a disturbed person who is

in desperate need of counseling regarding her

problems with substance abuse, and sexual incontinence

(two often related problems).<br><br>Indeed all the

literature on alcoholism will tell you that a drug and

alcohol abuser like Blondie, who seems to have charmed

the gullible on this board requires not sympathy or

encouragement in her besotted ways but tough love and support

for her deal with her problem.<br><br>I believe that

all of you who have given her your teary boo hoos

about her miscarriage are merely enablers and might as

well hand her another bottle of tequila to poison

herself with.<br><br>While El Senor might be further

excoriated by the good-intentioned but weak-willed lynch mob

on this board only El Senor has spoken the truth to

this sad woman about her errant ways.<br><br>Blondie

might curse me and so might the others here but maybe,

just maybe she will seek the help she needs if enough

people addressed her as an adult instead of a

sympathyzing adolescent.<br><br>In the end, those of you that

have the strenght of character, determination and are

true practitioners of Ashtanga shall come to realize

that what I say is not heartlessness or cowardice but

requires the greatest bravery and compassion to speak out

against the mob in the interest of the poor lost British

girl and perhaps in the interest of a being that she

might bring into this world. As always I am yours in

yoga and remain,<br><br>El Senor Pinche

Wey<br><br>P.s. I am tempted not to dignify previously proven

intellectually inferior Mryogaman's post but state that your

limited knowledge about yoga and your even more limited

self awareness is truly astounding. Indeed your

earlier disrespectful posts about Guruji tell the whole

story. Your disrespect towards me is further evidence

and no I shall not go away.

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Senor,<br><br>What British Blondie needed after

suffering a micarriage were comfort and advice, and not

insinuations that she has murdered her own baby!<br><br>Sorry

if this post is too intellectually inferior for you.

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OOOOOOHHH. I feel so honored. Out of all the

people who condemed you, I am the only one singled out

by name in your response. Its soooo easy to yank

your chain. No self respecting yogi would be so

conditioned as you. What a joke you are. And on top of that,

you were so thoroughly reamed for your post by

everyone in this club, that you feel the need to make up a

story about "private" emails supporting you. Give me a

break. How lonely you must feel. I have a prediction.

Either you will respond with some other idiot defense in

which case we all will know that a nerve has been hit,

and/or you will logon with a different user name

supposedly "supporting" your position. How thoroughly

pitifull you are.

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I thought about this again.. People are wondering

whether Blondie really had a miscarriage, whether she

needs comfort or support or, as SPW has shown, advice

that some of us have considered to be too harsh.<br>I

haven't got any idea if Blondie has told the truth, and I

don't even know if that matters. This person behind

Blondie's character might live a life that she (or perhaps

even a HE) has described, or maybe she just likes to

provoke some conversation. <br>But if Blondie really had

a miscarriage this is the last place from where she

ought to look for help. After a miscarriage a community

in the internet has probably no real remedies for

helping a person out of that kind of physical and mental

suffering. This is where I back SPW, no matter how mean

comments he (or perhaps even a SHE) has made. Real people

out in the real world are the ones that we should

hold on to, and they should hold on to us. No matter

what, please take care of the ones close to you.<br>For

me, this community is primarily a place where I can

find help when I'm lost with my practice. Although, at

the same time I think that people ought to contact

their teachers before contacting people in here.

Nothing wins a real conversation. <br>And what comes to

calling names and mean thoughts: please save that energy

to something more improving.<br><br> Om Shanti

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>But if Blondie really had a miscarriage this

is >the last place from where<br>> she ought

to look for help.<br><br>Just to point out, Blondie

did NOT seek help here. She simply answered a

question someone asked, about why she has had to take a

break from her practice.

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Rightly so, swan1us,<br><br>bandawoman put the

question (msg 5519), and Blondie replied in her typically

blunt way (msg 5538).<br><br>Ideally, our duty as a

club which claims to practise YOGA should have been to

give the London girl the little comfort and advice she

was entitled to as a member on this board, and not to

arouse feelings of guilt in her (which she might have

had already anyway) by grossly suggesting that she

poisoned her baby to death.<br><br>Compassion, it should

be remembered, also towards who gets up your nose,

is a primary virtue in Yoga.

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WOW!! Just got back from a week in NC with my

family for Christmas. Negative vibrations prevail on

this board. Kinda thought it was more for sharing

things like I went to "flow" yoga class in

Winston-Salem. The teacher actually had a timer to be sure we

held our poses. My sister and I went only once

needless to say and we have now renamed in nazi yoga,

nothing flowing about it.

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Gee! When I started to look into Yoga I believed

in you and your sister...now I feel that perhaps I

need to be a "REAL SisTEr" to really appreciate the

benefits to Ashtanga Yoga...Life is about living,,,,not

judging...if you are different so be it...accept all of our

differences,,,,assist..don't judge!!!!!<br><br><br>Rhojo2

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<<Gee! When I started to look into Yoga I

believed in you and your<br> sister...now I feel that

perhaps I need to be a "REAL SisTEr" to really<br>

appreciate the benefits to Ashtanga Yoga...Life is about

living,,,,not<br> judging...if you are different so be it...accept

all of our<br> differences,,,,assist..don't

judge!!!!!>><br>rhojo2, i'm just curious about your posted reply to

kiranken's message. who was the post addressed to? kiranken?

i didn't see any judgemental apsects to her post.

maybe you could clarify a bit

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