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El Mr. Un-yogiman Wey

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Unfortunately, your inferior intelligence failed

to notice the deliberate mis-spelling - designed

specifically to generate another example of your vitriolic

out-pouring. Demonstrating once again, your unfitness to pass

any comment on matters yogic or

otherwise.<br><br>However, your mistake thinking that I am Ramana Maharshi

or Mohan Bramachari is clear evidence of one too

many "bong-hits". We see that in truth you are a sad

drug addict, caught in your own delusional world of

self-agrandizement.<br><br>Yes, I am indeed Vamana Risi, and I see you for the

fraud that you are. With my numerous incarnations on

the Yogic path, I can spot an amateur and a

dilletante from a mile off. Your masquerading as the

mouthpiece for the Guru many love and revere - causes deep

offence, and I'm surprised you have not noticed

it.<br><br>Tell us then of your virtuous yogic practices, of your

devout chanting, and tell us also how they are

transforming your bitter and twisted psyche.<br><br>We have

compassion for your lowly life-form, and suggest you go away

and "work on yourself" until you have something to

say in the spirit of yoga - a devotional expression

of the heart, not the twisted heart, but the open,

compassionate and devotional heart.

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