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and that's what made me start sweati

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yasar,<br><br>What is good for me is not

necessarily good for you.<br><br> There has been a time when

I was addicted to weight training too, but that

time has now largely passed. If you enjoy being

"bulky", you should continue with your weight lifting. But

don't be deceived: Having big muscles does not

necessarily mean that you are strong enough to lift your body

up and jump back into vinyasa. Indeed, my experience

with Ashtanga Yoga is that, speaking on a purely

physical level, Ashtanga doesn't make me bulky

(fortunately, I must say now) but nevertheless I actually feel

like being stronger now than I ever was when I was

doing weight training.<br><br>However, you should not

force yourself into doing (or giving up) things you are

not prepared to. This concerns all aspects of Yoga.

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<<that is where i am at present...trying to

get the nerve to stop the weight training to which i

am somewhat addicted>><br><br>I would continue

weight training with a different regime, a little extra

strenght is useful. Does ashtanga practise strenghten

muscles that are trained with _pulling_ motions, like the

biceps? Madonna has strong arms though :-)

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here's another perspective to the whole weight

training dilemma: i've been told by teachers that i've

studied with that creating bulk is actually not healthy

for the muscles. lifting weights produces short

muscle fibers and an overabundance of this prevents

muscles from being able to fully release and relax when

you're not using them. this all ends up inhibiting range

of motion...<br><br>i read an article not too long

ago in a fitness mag that said that muscles bulking

up is a healing response to the physical stress

placed upon them. i was surprised that the article was

actually in favor of lifting weights ...i couldn't think

of a better argument against it!

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<<i read an article not too long ago in a

fitness mag that said that muscles bulking up is a

healing response to the physical stress placed upon

them.>><br><br>Yes, that's the way body adapts, regenerates and

becomes stronger. The same thing happens with ashtanga.

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