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ashtanga and pot

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I have seen no evidence of this and it strikes me

as nonsensical. I can't see how (or why)anyone could

do the intense physical practice required and also

subject themselves to the strong and in many ways

opposite physical effects of pot. My experience has been

that practicing yoga decreases my desire for just

about every type of substance or activity that could

have a negative effect on the yoga "experience", and

the decrease in desire is about exactly proportional

to the amount of practice.<br>On the other hand, I

would imagine that there are many ashtanga

practitioners who are FORMER drug users; yoga is just so much

better than drugs!

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seems to me that anyone on the path is likely to

have a predisposition towards trying things out

whether they are prescribed or not. the fact that pot (is

this common parlance in the US? on this side of the

atlantic it sounds remarkably antiquated, redolent of the

fury freak bros. etc)is illegal is a tiresome and

bizarre historical accident rather than any true

reflection of the damage it does. true it has physically

deleterious aspects but there are also many positive side

effects for those with MS, HIV+ et al. still at the end

of the day its bad for your health and no amount of

hippy ideology can persuade me otherwise. I enjoy

getting stoned but know that its not the best thing in

the world for me. however im only human.

<br><br>incidentally seems to me that cannabis is less harmful than

alcohol and certainly can facilitate a more enlightened

state of mind than six pints of guinness (believe me

ive tried both many times. . . ). i have to agree

with malsag, yoga's a drug that just keeps on

giving!<br><br>yeah i'm in south london too! sorry!

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<<I can't see how (or why)anyone could do

the intense physical practice required and also

subject themselves to the strong and in many ways

opposite physical effects of pot.>><br><br>Come on

malsag, cannabis is not very harmful to body and it

should not be demonized, just don't do it before

practise. I myself am wondering why people willfully ingest

SUGAR, a major cause of illness and deterioration of the


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OK,<br><br>Sugar point taken....but what about

the harm to your lungs with pot smoking? How can you

say cannabis is not harmful to the body? How can this

complement breathing, the CRUX of Ashtanga practise ?

<br><br>I suppose like anyone with a bad habit (Sugar

addicts and beer drinkers included) rationalization is

the easiest path to peace of mind. Pot smoking is a

bad habit. Sugar is a bad habit. Beer is a bad habit.

End of story.<br><br>The biggest question that I have

is "What is the appeal of an (expensive, illegal)

mind altering (mellowing?) habit when yoga practise

brings such beautiful inner calm and clarity?" In other

words "What is the point ?"<br><br><br><br>To each his

own I guess....

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I'm not a pot smoker and I don't think it's good or bad either way, but it has

been proven that marijuana removes tar from the lungs...so what harm to lungs

are you talking about?<br><br>lauren

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