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holiday musings/veritable love fest

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Fine, the less useless babble here, the better. I

hope you're right and that the experienced among us

stick around and share their wisdom. I was astonished

to read SPW's apology and new year's blessings, and

I hope we can all be grown-ups here without being

fearfully nice all the time.<br><br>On the

pot/cannabis/weed/herb thing, a young but devoted yogi I know once

quoted some lovely Buddhist thought that basically

boiled down to the premise that one shouldn't ingest

anything that will change one's consciousness -- he

cheerfully quoted this to me while I was buying a cup of

coffee, I believe. Well, I'm no Puritan, but yoga has

definitely aided removal of my destructive habits (drinking,

smoking) and the less life-threatening ones (coffee, Diet

Coke, meat (little by little)). So bully for yoga, I

say. Even though I'm removing poses from the first

series that are being made awkward by my slowly growing

belly! (24 weeks to go.) But life goes on without

marichyasana B,C, or D.

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I agree also, that the less useless babble here

the better. But I cannot help but feeling sort of

like we lost "friends" to the other club. I am of two

minds on the subject. On one hand, I have checked out

the ezboard club, and liked reading the familar

posts. The posts nice, but whats wrong with nice? Some

of the ezclub members are among my favorite.

Sunandmike makes me laugh out loud sometimes and Okgrl would

be the kind of person who seems like he would be a

good loyal friend in real life. Bandawoman is always

helpful. What bothers me is the split. Sort of like the

feeling of choosing this or that. I do think that it is

good that now, maybe other new voices will speak up

and be heard. We were becoming too "cliqueish" (sp?)

It is a pain to weed through 60 messages in a row

that is pretty much a private conversation. I meant it

when I said ESPW taught me more here then anyone. I am

not saying I agreed with him always, but he made me

question/research/define my own practice. Some comments on the

miscarriage....Thats always a tragedy. I would not want anyone to

suffer through the pain of that. But the internet is the

place where one can be any identity one wants, so

caution and a grain of salt should be taken with

"characters" here. I guess too, I do not like the idea of

censorship on any level, however well meaning it is. Bottom

line is, this club is only as good as we make it.

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